Page 4 of Trouble

“You need to keep quiet about who fucking said that shit. No one is supposed to know and if Sweet finds out that I do, he’ll probably take my patch on principle.”

“Well, that’s not okay.”

“No, it’s not. If that bitch knows what’s good for her, she’ll keep her ass scarce.” I couldn’t believe that Trent’s little sister turned out to be the problem. To think, the last time she’d come to the clubhouse - that I knew of anyway - I thought she was looking fucking fine as hell. I’d been tempted to ask her out until Hollywood told me that she wasn’t the type to fuck and get gone. He also reminded me that her uncle was a nomad for Aces High and it could get sticky if I went there and things didn’t work out.

I wonder what Bishop would think of his niece’s lies? He’d probably fucking take her side and believe them, just like Sweet apparently did.




“Holy shit!”Hollywood announced as his focus turned from our game to whomever had just come through the front door. Without saying a word, he jumped up and practically ran for the woman.

“That’s different,” Flight said as he lifted the edge of the cards Hollywood threw down before he ran off. “Damn, the bastard would have won this hand too.”

“You don’t know that,” I argued.

He picked up the hand and showed the cards to me. “Well, fuck.”

“Whoever she is, I would have no problem taking her back to my room and tracing every single one of her curves with my tongue.”

I glanced back over to see Hollywood had his arm around the woman and his grin was spread so widely across his face, it gave new meaning to that old phrase ‘from ear to ear’. Something about her tickled a memory in my brain. She seemed familiar, but not someone who had been around recently. It wasn’t until one of the women who hung around the clubhouse often, tryingto pick up a new old man, shouted for the woman who had come through the door, that I realized who it was.

“Trinity!” Shaina yelled above the din of noise in the clubhouse. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming tonight?” The woman ran and practically pounced Hollywood right out of the way.

“Trinity? As in Hollywood’s cousin?” Flight groaned at the realization that she might be off limits.

I laughed. “Not his real cousin. Her uncle and his mom have a long-standing situation.”

“Well, fuck. If I was Hollywood, I would make it known that she was not blood kin. You know? Then again, if my real cousin looked like that…”

“Shut the fuck up, Flight. Did you forget who her uncle is?” When he gave me back a blank stare, I shook my head. “Swear to fuck, you live under a damn rock. Her uncle is Bishop.” He still didn’t seem to catch on. “Bishop - as in one of the club’s nomads. The same one known as a mercenary for hire.” I knew from the look in his eyes that Trinity’s beauty no longer compared to what might happen if he went there and fucked her over the way he was known to do with women. I laughed at him as I stood and walked over to see if the little betrayer would have the decency to finally come clean for trying to ruin my life six years ago.

“Look who finally grew up!” I said when I was close enough for them to hear me. Trinity’s focus turned to me as Shaina stepped back and Hollywood pulled a little tighter on her shoulders, almost like he was comforting her because of my presence. If he knew what she had done, he might change his tune, pseudo cousin or not.

“Hi.” Trinity turned back to Shaina and hugged her again as Hollywood let go and then cocked his head to the side as he stared at me. That quickly, I’d been dismissed. She didn’t apologize, ask if all was well, or anything else. Then again, herplan failed and I was still with the club, so I guess she already knew her plan backfired on her.

“What’s up, bro?” Hollywood asked as he moved closer to me and let the girls have what looked like a reunion.

“Nothing. Just came to see for myself if it was really her.”

“Why?” It was understandable that he would ask that, since I never had much to do with her. I hadn’t confided in him about the way I wanted her to be mine six years ago. I’d wanted her, while she betrayed me. The tables had been completely reversed from when she’d been a little Freshman in high school with a crush on me. I kept it all to myself back then and stewed in her treachery. I hadn’t simply stewed, that wasn’t right. I waited for her to fuck up in a way that I would have something to hold over her head, proof of her trying to fuck a brother over, but it never happened. Then, one day, she was just gone.

“Bro, what the fuck?” I stopped staring at Trinity and turned back to Hollywood.

“Just remembered something,” I muttered and pushed past him to get to the bar. I needed a fucking drink and for someone to tell me why in the fuck Trinity was back after six years of radio silence. Considering I never told anyone, other than Natalie, about my conversation with Sweet all those years ago, no one else would understand why I needed those answers. Maybe, it had been a dumb thing she did as a girl to get back at me for making fun of her crush in front of most of our school back in the day, but then again, she might have carried on some crazy hidden agenda and brought it back with her. It was worth noting because my president had been in a shit mood for months, and there was no way I’d make it out unscathed if she tried that shit again.

“What’s up with you?” I turned to see Walker sitting there. Why the fuck the sad bastard sat at the bar most nights, anddidn’t drink a fucking thing beyond water, was a puzzle for another time.

“Getting a drink.”

“That so?”

“Yeah, man. What’s going on?”

“Well, you’ve been staring at the bottles and when the prospect asked what he could get you, it was like you wanted him to read your mind instead of answering.”