“Oh, shit! Should I go back and…”
“And what? You already humiliated her in front of everyone. There’s really nothing to be done about it now.”
“Except to hope and pray that Trent doesn’t…”
They were too far away and everyone close to me had started making fun of “the dud”, so it drowned out whatever else John had been about to say. If my brother had been here, he would have kicked everyone’s asses starting with John Decker, then Carson’s, and then everyone who laughed. It wouldn’t matter that Carson was his best friend. My big brother never allowed anyone to turn me into a laughing stock, not even accidentally.
Unfortunately for me, my ego, and my self esteem, my brother never got to come back home again and my tormentors had free rein over harassing me for the next four years, and John Decker’s words were the ones they used the most to really hammer home the insults.
“Trouble,get your ass to Prez’s office, man.” My Vice President called out the minute I stepped into the clubhouse.
“That doesn’t sound good,” Carson Mackenzie said as he made an exaggeratedly worried face at me. Carson was now known as Hollywood, thanks to his model good looks and that charming personality of his. We both prospected for the Aces High MC for seven months before we got our road names and got to slap a patch on our kuttes. That was a little over three years ago. I took on the road name of Trouble because it never failed that where I went, trouble followed.
“Shit, I don’t even know what I could have done this time. We just got back to town.” We had been tasked with escorting a shipment up to the Cedar Falls Chapter in West Virginia last week and the President, Ghost, had us stick around so we could learn a thing or two from some of their members.
“Better not keep Prez waiting, just in case it’s something he’s pissed about.”
As Hollywood wandered off to the air hockey table, I hauled ass in the other direction, hoping like hell that I hadn’t stepped in some shit up at the mother chapter without realizing it.That would be just my fucking luck. When I got to the door, I almost made the mistake of walking right on in, like an idiot. Thankfully, I heard a woman’s voice on the other side of the door and it stopped me.
“Are you sure I can’t help you out with that? You look frustrated, Prez.”
“You fucking know better, and what the hell do you think Angel Girl would do if she walked in right now and realized you came in my office, shut the fucking door, and then launched some harebrained plan to get me to fuck you?”
“What if I told her it happened anyway?” The woman asked and I just knew shit was going to go even worse for me because another one of the club girls had forgotten her place.
“I’ll tell you what would happen, she’d believe me because we tell one another everything. Even if she didn’t, that’s what the cameras in here are for. Now that you showed how fucking disloyal you can be, you’re banned from all club properties and I will be sure to let Angel Girl know. I can’t guarantee that she’ll ban you from her club’s properties, but you’d be smart to avoid them unless you want a beat down from the S.H.E. girls. They don’t take kindly to bitches who try to steal men from other women. Now get the fuck out of here.”
The minute the door swung open, I stepped back and made room for her to get by. I heard Sweet on the phone telling someone to be sure she was escorted from the property before I poked my head in the doorway. “Quickshot said you wanted to speak to me?” I questioned and wished like hell I didn’t have to be there.
“Get in here and shut the fucking door.”
Great. His bad mood was about to become my problem and I still didn’t know what I’d done.
“I have it on good authority,” Sweet started in before I could even get the door shut, “that you have been hanging around high school girls a bit too much.”
“What the fuck?” I didn’t bother to lower my voice to a respectable level because that was a wild as fuck accusation to lob on someone. I was 22 fucking years old and left high school and the chicks there behind a long time ago.
“I didn’t ask for your bullshit excuses.”
“That’s good because I wasn’t giving any. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Sweet leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head and studied me. “Fuck!” He shook his head. “I’m getting too old for this bullshit.” His muttered admission made me wonder what else was going on. Sweet was far from old, considering his father-in-law was the president of the mother chapter of Aces High and he was still doing just fine in the position. The club as a whole had prospered under his leadership over the years.
“Listen,” Sweet finally said. “Someone close to the club came to me because they worried about how shit would look if it got out that you were dating bitches who are not 18 and are still in high school. Even if they are 18, if they’re still in high school, leave them the fuck alone. We don’t need eyes on us for some shit that is fucking avoidable. There’s plenty of pussy in and out of the club all the time. If that shit is tired out for you, then take a fucking road trip and get some strange, but no girls under 18 and none that are still in high school, no matter the age.”
“Prez, I’m telling you, I ain’t fucked around with no youngins!”
“I didn’t ask you. I’m telling you the only reason I’m not stripping your fucking patch is because the person who came to me with the information didn’t have proof, just what she’d seen.”
“A woman told you I’ve been fucking with kids?” I growled angrily.
“Teenagers, close to 18, but not quite, and still in high school.” As if he needed to clarify shit. It spelled the same kind of trouble.