Page 27 of Trouble

“Do you want me to lie to you?” Trinity shook her head and the blonde tresses I was so enamored with fell back further. She leaned back and looked me in the eyes as she said, “I’d rather you never do that.”

“Okay then. I came inside you before I realized and only pulled out halfway through.”

To my surprise, she laughed. “What a way to start a new relationship. With any luck, this won’t result in anything.”

“You don’t want a kid with me?”

“We only made things official a few minutes ago, I think it might be best to wait on building a family until we find out if we can build a relationship that goes beyond lust and hate.”

“Never hated you.”

“Not even when you thought I almost got you kicked out of the club for fucking young girls?” She asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Maybe a little, but even then it was hard to stay mad at you.”

She giggled as I got up and brought some napkins back from her desk. “Yeah, I know the feeling. Thanks,” she tacked on as I wiped my fluids off her belly. Then I really stared at it and ran my bare fingers over the flat surface and imagined it growing round with my kid. Fuck condoms and fuck waiting. I had a new plan. If I knocked her up, she’d always be stuck with me and we’d have to learn to work through our shit.

“Don’t even think about it,” Trinity warned as she swatted my shoulder. “Move so I can get up and put some clothes on.”

I stepped back and watched her like a hawk as she went to a cabinet on the far side of her desk and pulled out leggings and an oversized sweater that fell far enough down her body to cover her generous ass. I had plans for that ass, but they would have to wait until I got her home.




“Lookslike someone is still on a new boyfriend high.” Carla giggled as Hannah grinned at me. I couldn’t help it. Trouble and I had been damn near inseparable since we first had the crazy office hookup two weeks before. He took me out on dates on the nights when I didn’t have to go into work and on the nights I did work, I’d find him waiting for me when I got home. Some nights we showered together, a couple we took a long relaxing bath, and then we would tear up the sheets before exhaustion stole us both into dreamland. It was hard to want to head to dreamland every night when I already lived my real life fantasy come true by day.

“What can I say?” I asked. “The man spoils me.”

“One day, I’m going to find that too.” I glanced over to see Brian, one of our security guys eyeing Hannah up. When he noticed me, noticing him, he grinned and gave me a chin tip.

“Come on, I’ll walk you ladies out.”

“Thanks, Brian.”

Everyone else was safe and secure in their vehicles by the time I got my Jeep started. Brain and Carla were the first to peel out of the lot and then it was just Hannah and me, only I didn’thear Hannah’s car start. I pulled my Jeep closer to her. What’s going on, Han?”

“My car won’t even turn over,” she cried then proceeded to beat the steering wheel up like that would help.

“Come on, hop in and I’ll send a text to JoJo to get your car towed into the shop and checked out.”

“I don’t know if I can afford any work right now. Things are tight with the new house I bought.” Hannah had been saving for two years to have enough money down to get a loan on a house. The banks were assholes about what she did for a living, since the majority of her income came in the form of sweaty dollar bill tips. The fucking jerks. Still, they couldn’t argue with her credit score or the big downpayment she dropped. It was fifty percent of the whole cost of her house.

“You know we’ll work with you,” I reminded her. “If we need to do an employment contract and take a little out each paycheck, or have a contract that we get a specific percentage until the work is paid off, we can work something out.”

“You girls are too good to us.”

“No, we do exactly what anyone should do for their employees. Hop in, and I’ll take you home.”

“I’m all the way over in Murphy and you’re in Sierra High.”

“Do you see another way for you to get home tonight?” I asked her.

“No. I feel bad putting you out, though.”

I sighed. “Hannah, we women have to stick together.” It would have been nice if Brian had waited until all the women left the parking lot before he took off, but I was thankful that it was my policy to make sure everyone made it out safely before I left. “It’s no bother.” As she got in and settled into the passenger seat, I texted JoJo about the car and then sent a quick text to my man that I would be late. He wasn’t going to be waiting for me when Igot in anyway, since he was on a run for the club and out of town for two more days.