Page 17 of Trouble

I pulled up to the house I had inherited from my dad and sent out a silent thank you to him once again. It turned out Bishop did still have something to give me, even though his matchmaking scheme hadn’t panned out. When my mother died, it came to light that my father had owned the house outright. He had kept it in his name only so that my mom could never do anything stupid, like sell it out from under us. When she passed away, Bishop discovered that the house had been placed in my name. He claimed that he never spoke to my father, that all the necessary paperwork came through a third party, but I wasn’t sure if I believed him or not.

“Where are you, Dad?” I harbored a certain amount of hurt feelings and anger toward my father, but the minute my mother passed away, I knew that I would give anything to hear from him again. I always thought something my mother had done kept him away. In my mind, the minute she was gone, he would sweep back into my life to try to make things right. I suppose, in a way, he did just that by making sure I got the house free and clear. I wouldn’t even have to pay inheritance tax on it, since he was alive and well out there somewhere.

I stared up at the house and wondered again why he never came back. Why give me this wonderful gift and then never even come say hello? Nothing made sense.




I wason my way to the store when I got a call from Shaina. Since it was hooked into my bluetooth, I answered. “Driving. Not sure how long I’ll have reception,” I warned Shaina, having already seen it was her on the other line.

“Bitch! Do you even know what’s going on?”

“No. I was on my way to get groceries.” I pulled over, so I wouldn’t lose reception, after I heard the damn near panicked tone. “What’s going on?”

“That bitch who claimed to have a kid with Josh before he died.”

“Terry, what about her?”

“She’s been stalking our girl and her kids. I don’t know all of it, but I heard Wash and some of the men talking at the clubhouse. Some asshole or maybe Terry, put a fucking threat on Reesa’s car today and Ariel found it.”

“Are you serious? Is she okay? Are they at the house?”

“They’re safe, somewhere the club has them.”

“They aren’t at the clubhouse?”

“Nope, but I think something bad is happening. If you see that bitch while you’re out, call it in.”

“Call it in to who?” I asked as worry for my friend and her children set in.

“The club. Call it into the club. Shit! I have to go. Talk soon.”

Shaina wasn’t the most reliable of people on a good day, but she had given me just enough information to scare me to death and not enough information to know what to do with it. I put my Jeep in gear and turned to check my blindspot when I saw that bitch, Terry, drive past like Death himself was chasing her ass. Since she managed to piss off an entire motorcycle club, that might not be too far from the truth. I pulled out behind her and followed as I tried to dial Shaina back. Then I tried to get in touch with Hollywood, but couldn’t get through. My uncle wasn’t in town, so I knew he wouldn’t be much help. I tried to contact Reesa, but she wasn’t answering either. Finally, I managed to get through to the clubhouse.

“What?” A male voice I didn’t recognize squawked down the line.

“My name is Trinity Monroe, I’m Bishop’s niece. I’m following a woman named Terry. Oh shit!” I yelped as she took the turn to head toward Helen, Georgia. “She’s headed toward Helen now. I’m following behind her, but cell reception is spotty at best.”

“Is that the bitch that ran Tash off the road?”

“I don’t know. She was threatening my friend, Reesa. Walker’s woman.”

“Same one. Stay on the phone with me as long as you can. I’m going to try to get someone to help relay messages between you and our two who are looking for her as well.”

“Who do you have out looking for her?”

“Can’t say,” he grunted. I could hear him typing out a message on the other end of the line, but my heart hammered in my chest so hard, it took every bit of my focus to stay on Terry’sass. If she ran Tash off the road, in addition to threatening Reesa, the bitch was in big trouble with the MC.

“If you tell me who to look for, I can flag them down when I see them.”

“Look for motorcycles, lady.” If I ever found out which one of the prospects answered my call, I would put a foot up his ass.

A call came through as I waited for the prospect to update me. It was an unknown number, so on the off chance that it was Reesa trying to get in touch, I answered it. “Hello!”

“Trinity, it’s Trouble. Need to know where you are.”