"Can we see the observation deck?" Olivia asks. "I want to see more fish."
"Go ahead with Pyke." My claws tap against my thigh. "I need a word with Krix first. Won't be long."
I watch them head down the corridor before turning back to the scientist. His frill perks up inquisitively.
"Something else you need?"
"A tracker." I lower my voice. "One the Grolgath won't detect."
Krix's eyes light up. He scurries to a workbench and starts rifling through drawers.
"I might have just the thing. Experimental, of course, but..." He holds up something between his claws that I can barely see. "Isotope transmitter. Size of a pinhead."
"Limited. Maybe half a mile in optimal conditions. But completely undetectable to Grolgath scanners. They're looking for our usual quantum signature. This operates on an entirely different principle."
I take the tiny device. "Perfect. Thank you, old friend."
"Just..." Krix's frill droops. "Be careful with her, Dar. Humans are so fragile."
"I know." The transmitter disappears into a pouch on my belt. "That's why I need this."
I stride down the corridor toward the observation deck, my steps lighter. The backup plan soothes my warrior instincts. I'll know where she is. I can protect her.
Because the thought of losing her tears at my hearts. Both of them.
"No, Mr. Peterson, the faucet is still dripping. Yes, even after you 'fixed' it last week." I pinch the bridge of my nose, fighting off a headache. "The water bill is going to be astronomical."
The leather seat creaks as Dar shifts beside me. His presence fills the back of the limo like a furnace - all that alien heat packed into his human disguise.
"You could just move in with me."
A laugh bubbles up before I can stop it. "Right. Because we don't spend enough time together at the office already?"
His large hand engulfs mine, those dangerous fingers threading through mine. The touch sends sparks racing up my arm. "That's not what I meant."
My breath catches. Of course I know what he means - a real home together, waking up in his arms every morning instead of sneaking out of the office after hours. The thought makes my stomach flutter.
"What happens if I move in?" The question comes out softer than I intended.
Dar's thumb traces circles on my palm. "Everything gets better." His voice drops to that growl that makes my toes curl. "We'll have sex all the time."
"The sex part sounds amazing, but there's other stuff to consider."
"Like what?" His fingers still their mesmerizing circles on my palm.
My mind goes blank. All those carefully considered reasons evaporate under his intense gaze. "I... just need to think about it more."
"Take your time." His voice softens, and he brings my hand to his lips for a kiss.
Back at the office, Dar pulls me into his private suite before I can return to my desk. "I have something for you."
My pulse quickens. Dar's gifts are always spectacular - whether it's flying me to Paris for lunch or that diamond tennis bracelet last month. "Is it sexy or practical?"