The navigation system chimes. I nose the shuttle down toward the waves. The dome of Base Alpha shimmers into view, its forcefield parting like liquid crystal as I descend into the underwater city.
"Welcome back, Captain," the AI greets as I touch down in the hangar.
Time to see what new Grolgath schemes need thwarting today. At least the endless war gives me something to focus on besides my growing feelings for my assistant.
The door to Pyke's office slides open with a soft hiss. My commander sits behind his desk, scrolling through holographic reports that paint his scales in an eerie blue glow.
"Another successful quarter at Rook Enterprises?"
"The humans remain none the wiser." I settle my bulk into the reinforced chair. "Though I'd rather be crushing Grolgath skulls than profit margins."
"Your financial work funds our entire operation."
"I'm a warrior, not an accountant." My frill bristles with frustration. "Warriors need battle, need the taste of victory. Not spreadsheets and board meetings."
"The Grolgath fight with subterfuge and manipulation. We must do the same."
"At least let me track down their agents. One good fight-"
"You'll have your battles soon enough." Pyke's expression hardens. "With those shape-shifting bastards, there's always another war brewing. But for now, you serve Veritas best as a briefcase warrior."
"A what?"
"You fight for humanity's future with market strategies instead of plasma rifles. The pen is mightier than the sword, as these humans say."
I slam my fist on his desk, cracking the surface.
"Just one Grolgath. Give me one to pummel."
"Patience, old friend. Your time will come."
"Speaking of recruits," Pyke says, "tell me about this human assistant of yours. The one who found our secure files."
"Olivia?" My frill perks up. "She's remarkable. Quick mind, fierce spirit. You should see how she handles the corporate raiders. Like a true warrior facing down enemy battalions."
"Go on."
"She questions everything, challenges assumptions. Perfect Veritas material. And her tactical instincts - she organized our latest merger like a battlefield campaign."
Pyke's scales shift to a knowing purple hue. "You seem quite... enthusiastic about her qualities."
"Pure professional assessment."
"Really? No other factors influencing your judgment?"
"What? No!" I spring from my chair. "She's human! Smooth skin instead of proper scales. No battle ridges, no warrior's frill. Why would I be attracted to-"
The words die in my throat as my gaze falls on the hologram on Pyke's desk - him and his human mate Sarah at their bonding ceremony.
"I mean... not that there's anything wrong with... I wasn't suggesting..."
Pyke's rumbling laugh echoes off the walls.
"Sit down before you hurt yourself, old friend."
I slump back into the chair, my scales flushing dark with embarrassment.
"Permission to shut up now, sir?"