Page 37 of Grumpy Alien Boss

Olivia pulls the crumpled note from her pocket. "Should I call now?"

Every instinct screams at me to wait, to plan, to protect her. But Pyke's orders echo in my head. We need results.

"Do it." The words taste like ash in my mouth.

"Shh." Olivia's finger presses against my lips as she dials. Her hand trembles slightly.

"They probably won't even answer-" Her eyes go wide. "Hello?"

My enhanced hearing picks up a faint voice on the other end, but the encryption scrambles it beyond recognition. I grip the edge of my desk, fighting the urge to snatch the phone away.

"Yes, that's right... No, I understand... Now? I can do that... The ferry terminal, got it."

Each word from her lips tightens the knot in my stomach. The silver choker catches the light as she nods, reminding me I can track her anywhere. Small comfort.

She ends the call and meets my gaze. "Staten Island Ferry. In one hour."


"Don't start. We both know I have to do this."

The determination in her voice only makes me love her more, even as it terrifies me. She's right, of course. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

"Take the Rolls," I say, tossing her the keys. "I'll tail you in the Lexus."

"A Lexus?" Olivia catches the keys with a snort. "Only you would think a hundred-thousand dollar car is 'discrete.'"

"It's the least conspicuous vehicle I own."

"True. Better than the Lambo or that ridiculous gold Bentley."

Her fingers trace the grolgath poison coating her manicured nails. The explosive polish gleams under the office lights. My stomach churns at how casually she handles deadly weapons.

"This is so cool." She grins, examining her nails. "Like being James Bond."

"This isn't a game, Olivia." The words come out sharper than intended. "The Grolgath are killers."

"Relax, big guy. I've got this." She taps her silver choker. "Besides, you'll be watching my every move."

"That's what worries me." I pull her close, inhaling her scent.

The elevator descends to my private garage. I grip the Lexus keys so hard they bite into my palm. Olivia slides into the Rolls Royce with practiced grace, and my heart clenches.

"Ancient Precursors, watch over her," I whisper in Vakutan. The words taste bitter - prayers won't keep her safe from the Grolgath.

I force myself to wait until her taillights disappear before following. The drive to the ferry feels endless. Every fiber of my being screams to catch up, to snatch her away from danger.

I park the Lexus on South Street, scanning the crowd. Olivia's red hair catches the sunlight as she approaches a man in a neat business suit. My enhanced vision picks out the telltale signs - slightly too perfect posture, measured movements that betray military training.

Grolgath. Has to be.

The tracking choker's signal pulses steady on my wrist display. I watch them talk, keeping my breathing even. Everything seems fine until Olivia follows him toward the ferry gangplank.

No. She's supposed to make contact and leave.

I burst from the car, shouldering through the crowd. Tourists and commuters block my path like a living wall.

"Move!" I snarl, but more people flow between us.