Page 28 of Grumpy Alien Boss

"What? It's true. Now spill - who is this mystery man turning my best friend into a stranger?"

The instructor shoots us a stern look. I lower my voice to a whisper. "Can we maybe discuss this after class?"

"No way. You'll just run off to another 'meeting' like last time. Details. Now."

"It's... complicated."

"Translation: he's married."

"What? No!"

"Then what's the problem? Unless..." Mel gasps. "Oh my god. It's someone from work, isn't it? That's why you're being so cagey."

I focus very intently on my breathing, which only makes Mel more certain.

"It is! You're sleeping with someone from work!" She grabs my arm. "Please tell me it's that hot CEO. What's his name - Darwin Rook?"

I nearly fall out of my pose.

My face burns as I steady myself. "Keep your voice down!"

"It is him! Oh my god, Liv!"

"Yes, fine, it's Darwin. And before you start-"

"But you swore you'd never date a boss. Like, you made me pinky promise to slap you if you ever considered it."

I sink into child's pose, pressing my forehead against the mat. "I know, I know. But the chemistry... you don't understand. From day one, there was this electricity."

"Electricity? More like lightning, from the size of that hickey."


"And let me guess - he pursued you? Rich guys always do."

"He can be... persuasive when he wants something."

Mel drops her voice lower. "Listen, if you're happy, I'm happy for you. But be careful, okay? Men like Darwin Rook-"

"Have reputations?"

I want to tell her she's wrong. That Dar isn't like other CEOs. That he's literally not even human. That he's fighting to save Earth from threats she can't imagine. But I just press my lips together and nod.

"Thanks, Mel." I smile at her concern. "I'll be careful."

After class, we grab green smoothies at the corner juice bar. The kale and spinach concoction tastes like lawn clippings, but Mel swears by them.

"So enough about my love life. What about yours? Still juggling the three amigos?"

"God, don't remind me." Mel stirs her smoothie with her straw. "Brad's sweet but boring, Tom's exciting but unreliable, and James... well, James is just arm candy."

"Living the dream, huh?"

"More like living the nightmare. Brad wants to talk about his stamp collection, Tom keeps standing me up for his band practice, and James can't string two sentences together."

"Sounds complicated."

"I'd trade all three of them for one decent guy." Mel takes a long sip. "Someone who actually gives a damn, you know? Like your Darwin seems to."