Page 62 of Oblivion

By the time I pull away from her lips, I feel three inches taller and lightened by the knowledge that I’m not forcing any of this on her. She wants it all, everything I have to give.

When she pads into the bathroom, I follow her, ignoring her requests to give her space to use the toilet. Instead, I wait for her to finish, then push her hands away when she goes to wipe.

“I won’t have you wiping me out of you,” I tell her, carefully cleaning her, while I finger fuck my cum deeper into her channel.

After we’ve both washed our hands, I follow her back into the bedroom and watch as she pins her hair up in a simple, sleek ponytail, pulling it over one shoulder so nothing is hanging over her back.

I’m fascinated as I watch her apply her makeup. She doesn’t seem to wear much, but by the time she’s finished, her eyes are sexy and smoky, and her lips are shiny, full, and plump. She pushes her feet into high strappy sandals before finally pulling the dress on again.

I almost spontaneously combust at the sight of the delicate chains skimming her flawless skin, the only adornment against her naked spine. Closing the distance between us, she pauses a few inches from me, then looks up, arching her eyebrow and daring me to do something.

“You look perfectly indecent.”

“Is that a compliment?” she asks, a smile spread across her daring mouth.

“Yes. I love you like this, wrapped in my chains, wearing my name over and over. Next time I’ll wrap strands around your thighs and between your legs, the metal will tease your needy little clit all night long while you dance and show everyone what belongs to me.”

Her breath hitches, and her lips part on an audible gasp.

Smiling, I curl my finger beneath the chain at her throat and tip her chin up. “My wild, wild girl, you want that, don’t you?”

Visibly panting, she shakes her head, but we both know it’s a lie. “Next time,” I promise, and instead of trying to deny it, she nods.

It takes me less than five minutes to pull on jeans and a button-down. Placing my hand on the base of her spine, I toy with the chain hanging just above her ass as we descend the stairs to the kitchen where the others are waiting.

The girls rush toward Sammy the moment we step through the door, and I tug on the chain, stopping her from going to them until she twists to look at me over her shoulder. The moment I have her full attention and her heated gaze on me, I reluctantly let her go, imagining all the other chains I plan to wrap her in the next time I have her alone.

My dick is rock hard and raging for release, but I silently warn it to calm the fuck down, because it’s going to be a long night and hours before we get any kind of release. I know plenty of people fuck in the woods behind where tonight’s party is beingheld. But Sammy and I won’t be one of them. I refuse to allow anyone the chance of seeing her even partially naked, and I know that voyeurs have been known to wander the woods searching for someone to watch.

As I scan the faces of the friends that I consider brothers, we all have matching expressions of barely restrained need. Although I’m sure the need we’re feeling is different for each of us.

Bastian needs control, to the point of obsession, and some days, even allowing Starling to leave his sight is almost impossible for him. Clay needs to watch and to chase. He’s never specifically told me as much. I know that both he and his wife enjoy some primal play. And Hunter needs obedience. He craves Bunny’s total submission, and having only gotten her back less than a month ago, I know he’s struggling with not strapping her to his chest to make sure she never leaves him again.

I need…Sammy. I need her and everything that comes with her being mine. I want what all of my friends want and need too, only I think my desires may be worse than theirs because I’ve denied myself for so long.

When the girls all start to make their way to the front door, I reach for Sammy, curling my finger beneath the chain around her waist and slowing her. “Give me your hand, Wild One,” I quietly demand.

It takes her a moment to reach for me, but when she does, I entwine our fingers together, then release her waist and walk with her out to the carts. Hunter seats Bunny in the passenger seat before he slips into the driver’s seat, and I pull Sammy onto my lap in the back while the others pile into a second cart.

We hear the party long before we traverse the path into the woods and park our carts in the spaces that are always reserved for us. Ours aren’t the only families who get this kind of preferential treatment. We’re just the only ones on campus rightnow, and it’s a stupid but useful perk not to have to walk half a mile through the woods.

Lifting Sammy off my lap, I pause and wait to see if she’ll try to walk away or wait for me. I’m surprised but ecstatic when she reaches for me, taking my hand without me having to prompt her.

Just like every other party we’ve been to, she starts to dance the moment she gets to the edge of the dance floor, tugging at my hold on her as the music pulses through her. Not releasing her, I tug her to my chest, hook my finger beneath the chain at her throat, and force her to look at me. “Remember what happens if anyone touches what’s mine,” I warn her.

Rolling her eyes, her expression turns stubborn, and I can’t help it. I smile. I might enjoy her submission and even forcing her compliance, but I love her rebellious streak just as much. I’m not sure if she’s willing to ruin someone’s life just to push me to see how I’ll react, but I’m interested to find out.

Arching an eyebrow, I dip my face and kiss her, forcing my tongue into her mouth and demanding her compliance until we’re both breathless. “I’m happy to play with you if you think this is a game. But remember, you won’t be the one living with the consequences. No matter how much you flirt or tease other men, I’ll never let you go, but I’ll make you watch as their homes are foreclosed and their lives fall apart. I won’t let you hide from their ruin. I’ll make you watch, knowing it was entirely because of you.”

Fear fills her eyes, but I won’t back down. I’ve set the rules and explained the punishment if she breaks them. The rest is up to her.

“What do you want to drink?” I ask, dropping my finger from her necklace and pulling back.

“Surprise me,” she pants.

Smiling widely, I nod. “Have fun. I’ll be watching.”

Gesturing to the guys, I tip my head in the direction of the bar, and they all follow, leaving the girls dancing in a group.