Page 3 of Oblivion

When we finally arrive at the party in the woods, I scan the crowd, and my dick almost explodes in my jeans when I spot her. She’s dancing, her sexy body swaying to the music that’s pulsing around us.

Less than an hour after we arrive, Starling leaves with Sebastian following close behind, his heated, intense gaze letting everyone in their vicinity know that they’ll be fucking the moment they’re alone.

On silent agreement, Hunter, Clay, and I close the distance between us and Starling’s friend. As we approach, I hear the guy who’s grinding his dick against her ass loudly say, “Let’s go back to my room. I want to fuck you.”

I may not know this girl. I might not be able to act on the urge to claim and mark her, but I can sure as shit make sure she doesn’t end up having a one-night stand with a douchebag she met at a party.

It takes all of my fragile self-control not to rip the guy away from her. Instead, I move closer, waiting until he notices me. Once he does, I silently glare at him, not looking away until he stops moving, his hold on the girl loosening.

When Clay and Hunter appear on either side of him, he looks between the three of us before deciding she’s not worth whatever we’re silently threatening. When he drops his arm from around her waist and steps back, I move toward him and lean in. “Don’t ever look at her again.”

Like the pussy that he is, the guy turns and leaves without looking back.

Once I’m sure that he’s gone and not coming back, I refocus on Starling’s friend. Moving to stand in front of her, I wait for her to notice me. After a long moment, she blinks drunken eyes in my direction, her red stained lips slowly curling into a wide smile. “Hey,” she says on a giggle. “What happened to Rob?”

“He had to leave,” I tell her.

“Oh. What happened to Starling?”

“She and Sebastian left too. She asked us to make sure you get home safe.”

A loud peel of laughter bubbles from her full lips. “They’re going to have angry sex.”

“Probably,” I agree. “We were never properly introduced. I’m Evan,” I say, leaning in close enough that I can smell her sweet perfume.

“Hi, Evan. I’m Sammy.”



Three Months Later

Moving into Collinswood House with Starling, Sebastian, Clay, Hunter, and Evan has been an adjustment. The room I was assigned by the college is in Alistern House, with the Attingham triplets, Amie, Amelia, and Anastacia, and their boyfriends Tim, Nicholas, and Chris.

Until two days ago, I lived with three couples, and that wouldn’t have been a problem, except the six of them are complete nymphos. The sheer number of times I’ve walked into the house and found the six of them having sex all at the same time in the living room in the last twelve weeks is ridiculous.

I’ve found them in the kitchen, the backyard, on the stairs, and in the bathrooms. In fact, the only room they haven’t had sex in is mine—thank God.

The school year started less than three months ago, but I’m honestly not sure if any of them have attended even a single class. In the last couple of weeks, it’s gotten so bad that I had to make sure I didn’t touch anything outside of my room just incase there were…fluids on it. Four days ago, I overheard one of the girls excitedly tell the others that she was pregnant and that her and whichever guy it was, were getting married.

So, when Starling suggested I move into Collinswood with them, I jumped at the chance. My very conservative parents have no idea about my now ex-roomie’s behavior, nor that I’ve moved in with Starling and the guys, and right now, I have no intention of telling them. I adore my parents, but I refuse to risk the freedom I’ve discovered here by telling them about any issues I’m having or my new address.

Starling has become my sister, and despite being rich assholes, I kind of adore Sebastian, Clay, and Hunter too. Truthfully, the only bad thing about living here is Evan.

The first time we met, I felt a connection to him, and I think he felt it too. But the longer I’ve known him, the more distant he’s become. He’s never outright flirted with me, but he watches me when he thinks I’m not looking and sometimes even when he knows that I am.

I wish I could say that the feeling of his eyes on me doesn’t affect me, but I’d be lying. I like it when he looks at me. I like having his attention. I like it when his brows arch up, and I see that tiny furrow between his eyes like he’s on the verge of losing it. But he never does.

In the last couple of months, he’s watched me dance, flirt, and date other guys, and done nothing. A part of me wonders if I’ve imagined that heated look in his eyes when he stares at me, but I don’t think I have, and neither does Starling.

Wanting him has become a nagging ache in my chest. I’ve tried ignoring him. I’ve tried dating other people, but none of the guys that ask me out ever call again after the first date—not that I’ve actually wanted them to.

I don’t have proof, but I think Evan is making guys lose my number, but if he doesn’t want me to see other people, why hasn’t he made a move?

I see the guilt in his eyes when he looks at his stepsister. It’s obvious that he craves a sibling relationship with Starling, but he knows he’ll likely never get one. I can’t believe I ever thought he might be interested in her. Now that I understand the group dynamic better, it’s easy to see that out of the four of them, Evan is the one who’s been most affected by what they did to Starling. This group has a lot of history, but where Starling, Sebastian, Clay, and Hunter all seem to be moving forward, Evan only seems to be able to look back.

Drunk is fun.