Page 92 of Oblivion

My eyes keep drifting to the heavy ring on my finger. It’s beautiful and so unlike the impersonal diamond I was wearing only a handful of days ago. Part of me feels a little numb. So much has happened in such a short span of time that it all feels a little like a dream or a nightmare.

It feels like it’s been years, not less than two weeks, since Drew got down on one knee at the airport and asked me to marry him. I’d said yes because the life I knew I’d have with him would have been predictable and easy, albeit not truly mine.

Now, only days later, I’m engaged to a terrifyingly intense man who wants to own me, claim me, and brand me for the entire world to see. Nothing about a life with him will be easy, and honestly, despite saying yes when he told me I was marrying him, I’m not sure I’ve actually agreed to anything since he let himself into my room and fastened his name to my ankle.

Being with Evan is like being swept along after a tsunami. The current is so strong and so determined to move in one direction that there’s nothing you can do but try to keep your head above water.

I wasn’t lying when I told him I love him. I do. I think I always have, but having him love me in his brutally dominatingway is both everything and nothing like I imagined it would be. I’ve never said the words out loud, but I’ve always been a little jealous of Starling and Sebastian’s relationship.

I don’t condone all of the awful things he’s done to her, but having someone love you so much that they’re prepared to do literally anything to have you, and keep you, has made me long for someone to want me with even a tenth of the intensity that Sebastian wants my bestie.

Now that I have it, I hate it almost as much as I love it. I cried and begged him not to punish the guy who I used to taunt him with at the party, but knowing that Evan is willing to go scorched earth on a stranger just for putting his arm around me makes me so hot.

It’s a heady feeling to have so much power, even though wielding it would only ever be bad. A part of me—a fucked-up corrupt part—wonders what else he’d do to keep me. When he’ll stop punishing the people around us and start punishing me, and if I’ll like it as much as I think I will.

Accepting that Evan and I are together, that we’re getting married, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it has settled something inside of me. He’s told me more than once that he’ll never let me go, and he’s not bluffing or exaggerating.

Sebastian, Clay, and Hunter are all possessive bastards, but if forced, they’d allow their wives at least the illusion of space and distance, but Evan wouldn’t. I’m his now, and we both know it.

Despite not being able to feel a tracker in my neck, I’d lay money on there being one on me somewhere. He’s drugged me at least once when he tattooed his name on my skin, so it’s not dumb to assume he probably tagged me somewhere at the same time. He did something to ensure that Drew dumped me, even though he knew I was already planning to break up with him. He’s crossed every line there is, and yet instead of being entirely appalled, part of me feels…cherished.

Love like this—love like Evan feels and expresses—is so all-consuming that it can either destroy you or elevate you. Starling, January, and Bunny all allowed this kind of love to destroy them even though they each came back stronger, more capable, and fucked up enough to want and need their husband’s intensity. But I’m different. I may have balked at the way Evan was willing to express his love at the start, but being his has never truly fazed me. Navigating our life together may be challenging, but I have a feeling it’ll be worth it.

Carrying me into the kitchen, Evan places me down on the dining table, then pulls his cell out and taps at his screen. Moments later, a male voice fills the kitchen.

“Son,” Evan’s dad answers.

“Hey, Dad. Do you have a minute?” Evan asks.

“Of course.”

“Sammy and I are engaged.”

“Congratulations! It took you long enough. Do I need to call the lawyers?”

“What would he need a lawyer for?” I ask, wondering if I’ll be expected to sign a prenup.

“Hello, sweetheart,” Harry coos.

“Hi, Harry,” I say. I like Evan’s dad a lot. Father and son are a lot alike, except Evan has a darker aura than Harry’s happy-go-lucky one.

“I asked if he needed a lawyer, just in case you called the cops on him or something. I know the boys’ brand of love can sometimes get a little…extreme.”

I laugh. “Extreme. Yeah, I think the word you’re looking for is illegal.”

“Welcome to the family, sweetheart. I’m over the moon to have you as a daughter. Cass is taking a nap right now, but I’ll let her know the good news once she wakes up.”

“Thanks, Dad. We’re having an engagement dinner at the house on Saturday night, so if you could spread the word and warn everyone to be on their best behavior,” Evan chides with a chuckle.

“Will do. Are Grant and Elizabeth flying in on the jet?” Harry asks.

“Yes. I’ll give the pilot a call and schedule it later.”

“I’ll sort it. I’ll send the details to Grant’s PA.”

“Thanks, Harry,” I say.

“It’s Dad now, Sammy,” he tells me.