“Does this feel like you belong to him?” he asks, notching the head of his cock at the entrance of my pussy then filling me in one hard thrust.
My wet, eager body willingly accepts his intrusion, and I brace, ready for him to roughly fuck me. But instead of forcing his will on me, once my body is full of him, he simply pushes down on my neck until I’m forced to turn my cheek and press my face against the cool wooden surface below me.
“You haven’t answered my question,” he asks, his tone calmer.
“What?” I pant, trying to push back against him, but I’m unable to move, pinned between the table and his unwavering body.
“Do you feel like you belong to him?”
“Evan, someone could come in.” I don’t actually care. His dick is inside of me, stretching me, but not fucking me and providing me with the friction I need, and right now all I care about is him moving and making me come.
“Then they’ll see you bent over a desk, warming my dick with your wet little cunt. Now answer the question.”
“Fuck me,” I pant.
“Answer my question. Do you feel like you belong to him?”
“Evan, please, I need?—”
Abruptly cutting me off, he curls his finger through the back of the chain he put around my neck this morning and twists,tightening the padlock against the base of my throat. He’s not hurting me or restricting my breathing, but the way he’s holding me has effortlessly reminded me that he locked this collar onto me and claimed me in a really visible way.
“Answer the question, Sammy. Do you feel like you belong to him right now?”
“No,” I pant, both hating and loving that everything he’s doing and saying is only making me want him more.
“And why is that?” He’s so eerily calm, it’s unnerving when I feel anything but.
“Evan, please,” I beg.
“Why don’t you feel like you belong to him?” he questions.
“Because your dick is inside of me,” I snap impatiently.
“Why else?”
“Because you tattooed your fucking initials on me.”
“Why else?”
“Because you put your name on my clothes and the stupid anklet I can’t get off and this necklace you literally collared me with.”
“But you need all of those things, don’t you, my little Wild One. You need to be claimed so thoroughly it’s beyond question. You’re not there yet, but that’s okay,” he says, his voice soft and frustratingly possessive.
The pressure on the chain around my neck lessens as he pulls his dick out of me, leaving me empty, needy, and bereft.
“Evan?” I question, blinking through my disbelief as he pulls my panties and leggings back up my legs, covering me up, before he tugs his own pants back into place.
“Bookstore,” he says cheerfully, pulling me upright and taking my hand, leading us back into the daylight, his lips spread into a wide smile.
The look of sheer unadulterated confusion on her face is almost gratifying enough for me to ignore the screaming need in my balls. Having my dick inside her glorious wet heat and not fucking her was a lesson in patience, but it’s what she needed.
I know she expected me to fuck her into submission, I’ve no doubt that’s what my friends would have done. But Sammy isn’t anything like Starling, January, or Bunny, and treating her like she is would be a mistake.
For a second this morning, I thought that bringing her back here and ending her engagement would be enough. She said she was too tired to fight me, but that wasn’t true. She just wanted me to give her a reason to fight, and apparently, paying her tuition was her reason.