Ten minutes later, I’m chuckling to myself as my driver speeds down the freeway toward the airport. It’s a five-hour flight back to California, so it’ll be the middle of the night by the time I get back to school, but I don’t care. Sammy’s home and there to stay. So far, everything is going to plan.
The house is dark and quiet as I open the front door and step inside. The familiar scent of home hits me, and I inhale deeply, letting the smell of old wood and history settle over me. I haven’t always been entirely happy at Kingsacre, but I do love it here.
Being in this house but free of most of the turmoil and guilt that has kept me caged is odd but strangely evocative. Two weeks ago, there was no way I’d have allowed my feet to carry me up three flights of stairs to the turret that houses Sammy’s room, but as I open the lock on her door with the app on my cell, I don’t feel anything holding me back.
Her bedroom is dark, but instead of being asleep, she’s awake, sitting up in the bed, like she’s been waiting for me, and maybe she has.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” she says the moment I climb the final step into her room.
“Probably.” I shrug.
“You don’t care, do you? You don’t care that you just ruined everything?”
“I spoke with your parents. They’ll be coming to visit in a few weeks.”
“What?” she gasps, sitting up straighter and twisting her bare legs beneath her as she turns to fully face me.
“I explained the situation?—”
“You told them that you sent my fiancé awful pictures that made me look like a slut so he’d dump me?” she hisses.
“I explained that Drew and his father, in conjunction with their PR team, decided that your engagement wasn’t polling well and that you’d broken up. Then I told them that you’d be living here, with us, and that you’ll continue to do so until you’ve graduated.”
“And they were just okay with that?” she asks sarcastically.
“Perfectly okay, which I’m sure they’ll confirm with you when you call them.”
“I don’t want this, Evan. I don’t want you,” she says, her voice thickening with emotion.
“Yes, you do. You want me as much as I want you. But you didn’t want me shackled. You want every single unhinged inch of me. You want the toxic love, the obsessive control, and the crazy, intense, intoxicated oblivion. And now that’s exactly what you’ll get. Only if you thought my brothers were psycho, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
“No.” She shakes her head.
“Oh, yes,” I say, closing the distance between us, shucking my clothes off as I walk.
“Go away, Evan. You’re not sleeping in here.”
“I am, and you can sleep beside me, or I can sleep inside of you. I’m down for either option. My dick is excited to fuck you, but I’ve learned in the last year that I’m a bit of a masochist, so I’m okay with torturing us both with a little cock warming.”
“What the hell is cock warming,” she gasps.
“It’s where I’d push my hard cock into your pussy, or your ass, but I wouldn’t fuck you. We’d just cuddle, then fall asleep like that.”
“What’s the point?”
“You’d fall asleep stretched full of my cock, feeling how much you belong to me right until your slip into unconsciousness, and I’d fall asleep with my dick being hugged by one of your tight holes, knowing that I can take you any how I want, and you’d let me.”
“We’re not doing that,” she snaps, shuffling backward across the bed as I kick off my shoes and push down my slacks.
“Maybe not tonight, but soon.”
“No, never. You need to go downstairs and sleep in your own room.”
“Tomorrow, we’ll move your stuff down there, but tonight, I’m too tired to care what room we sleep in.”
“There’s no us Evan. There’s you, and then there’s me. That’s it.”
Inhaling, I sigh loudly. “There’s never just been you and me. It’s always been us, right since the very first time I saw you. You felt it that day in the foyer. I know you did. That’s why every time you flirt or dance or kiss another guy, you look for me first to make sure I’m watching. You don’t care about them. You just want me to see you give yourself to them. Because since the first time we met, you’ve been daring me to claim you, and now I have. So, from now on, there will be no other men but me, Sammy. No more dances with anyone but me. No more grinding on anyone but me. No more kissing anyone but me.”