Offering him a polite smile, I lift a hand in greeting. “Dr. Harris, thank you so much for coming. I apologize for the early morning callout.”
“Evan, it’s nice to see you again. You didn’t go into much detail on the phone. What exactly is it you need me for?” The doctor asks, his brow furrowed.
Dr. Harris has been our family doctor for as long as I can remember. He’s a kind old man who is endlessly discrete because between mine, Sebastian’s, Clay’s, and Hunter’s families, we’ve afforded him a very comfortable lifestyle.
Since Sebastian met Starling, we’ve also, on occasion, required his services in exchange for assistance in helping his beloved granddaughter get scholarships and admittance to places she wouldn’t normally have been able to gain.
“Please come in. My fiancée is just upstairs,” I say, gesturing for him to come into the house, then closing the door behind us.
“If this is about trackers, I’m afraid I haven’t brought the equipment with me,” he says as I lead the way up the stairs to Sammy’s bedroom.
“Oh, no. Samantha had her tracker fitted months ago. This is actually about her IUD,” I tell him, leading him into the bedroom where Sammy is sleeping peacefully.
“I…I don’t understand.”
“Samantha and I are recently engaged. We’re planning to start trying for a baby straight away, but she had an IUD fitted just before we met. The insertion was painful and a little traumatic for her, and she’s terrified about having it removed. I suggested that we have you come and remove it. That way, she doesn’t have to go to a doctor’s office.”
“But she’s asleep,” Dr. Morris points out.
“She took a mild sedative, yes. But she signed a consent form for the procedure, and I have a copy of her medical history here,” I say, lifting the file from where I just set it on the dresser and handing it over to him.
“Well, normally, I wouldn’t do this kind of procedure without having spoken to the patient first,” Dr. Harris says.
“I heard your son lost his job. How is he getting on? It was a scandal when Burke Enterprises was raided for fraud and insider trading. Has he managed to find anything else?”
Dr. Harris’s brows pull together. “No, he hasn’t. My son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter have recently moved back in with me and my wife.”
“He’s a lawyer, right?” I question, already knowing the answer.
“Yes, contracts law.”
“Well, I’m sure between me and my family, we could find a place for him at one of our companies.”
“You could?” The hope I hear in his voice is all I need.
“Of course. Once you’ve finished with Samantha’s procedure, you can give me his details, and I’ll have my dad reach out to him.”
His lips purse and his eyes drop to the file I’m holding out to him. When he reaches out and takes it, I smile widely. It only takes him a moment to peruse the copies of Sammy’s medical history I had made, as well as the consent form to have the IUD removed I signed on her behalf earlier today. Once he’s seemingly satisfied, he hands me the file back and then starts to remove things from his medical bag.
Despite being willing to be morally swayed by money and favors, Dr. Harris is all business once he starts preparing for the procedure. Once I procured her medical records and found out she had an IUD fitted instead of being on the pill or the injection, I started to look into what exactly the procedure to remove it entailed.
It turns out that it’s easier to get an IUD removed than it is to get one put in, and as soon as it’s gone, my wild one will be ready to be filled with my baby. I just need to make sure that Drew understands she’ll never be his and dumps her first.
Looking from me to Sammy, Dr. Harris pulls on disposable gloves, then clears his throat. “I’ll need to remove her underwear,” he says.
“She already did before she took the sedative. Let me help,” I say, quickly grabbing the blanket from the end of the bed and covering her just enough to give her some modesty as I drag the comforter off her bare legs.
Her body is relaxed, so it doesn’t take much for me to slip in behind her. Cradling her body between my legs, I hook her knees over my shins and part her legs, allowing Dr. Harris access to her bare cunt.
Clearing his throat, Dr. Harris looks at me before picking up a clear plastic object that I recognize as a speculum fromthe kidney dish of items he’s laid out. “I’ll need to insert the speculum into her vagina, then open it so that I can see the wires attached to the IUD.”
Nodding, I watch as he pushes the plastic object into my girl. Moments later, he drops a small, strangely shaped plastic thing into the kidney tray and removes the gloves from his hands.
“All done?” I question.
“Yes, you can cover her up again now,” he says, all business.
Slipping out from behind her, I pull the comforter over her, and she sighs and rolls to her side, a slight frown marring her beautiful face.