“I said I was Lyssa, the caretaker of this ranch. Not Emma.”
“Ohhhh. I see. Like pre-calc. And he was only into you because he was looking for an in with my boss, is that it? So he was using you?”
A fresh sob welled up in my chest, and I let it out. “Yes.”
She threw her arm around my shoulders and patted my back. “So what? You were using him, too, right? You wanted to ride a hot cowboy, and you did. You both got something out of it.”
Of course, Lyssa would see it all as transactional. Obviously, she didn’t fall in love. Not with the sultan who took her halfway around the world for a beach vacation. She came back with her heart intact and a nice tan. I was the sap who let her heart get involved.
“Listen. Just because he saw you as an access point to Mitch doesn’t mean he didn’t feel something for you. There are always things that make people seem extra appealing. You loved the cowboy vibe with the hot body. He was into you, and you came with the added benefit of being an in to get to Mitch.” She shrugged. “What I’m saying is that it doesn’t mean he liked youlessbecause of that.”
I considered her words then slumped back into the plush couch. “Maybe, but he didn’t even know the real me. I was pretending to be you.”
Lyssa’s forehead wrinkled in confusion once more. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I had to channel you. I kept thinking, what would Lyssa do? And then did that thing.”
Lyssa’s eyes widened, and she laughed. “What? Are you kidding? Why would you want to pretend to be me? Give me an example.”
“Like making out with him ten minutes after meeting him. Then leaving with him to go to his ranch. Skinny dipping. Horseback riding. Mechanical bull riding. Playing with the sex toys.”
Lyssa’s expression softened. “Wow, you’ve been busy! I’m so flattered I could be your inspiration for taking risks with a relationship. But Christ, Em, I’m the fucked-up twin.” She set her hand on her chest. “I’m the one who couldn’t get through college, or hold a steady job, or be relied on for anything.You’rethe oneIchannel when I’m trying to make decent, responsible choices with my life.”
I let out a watery laugh. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Me? Why would you? Your jobs pay so much better and are far more glamorous. Without a jerky boss like Stan.”
“And they always end with a bang.”
“Yeah, speaking of…” I wiped my tears with my fingertips. “It turns out Mitch Chapman is a wolf and human trafficker. I mean shifter trafficker.”
Lyssa blinked at me. Stared for a few seconds. “Excuse me?”
I waved my fingers in the air. “That’s the craziest part of this story. Turns out Hot Cowboy–his name is Johnny–is actually a wolf. They aren’t werewolves, they’re a different species that can shift from human form to wolf. And Mitch is one of them, but he’s a supervillain.”
“Um. Okay, that is crazy. Did you do some kind of drugs, too, while you were channeling me?”
I shook my head. “No, you idiot. You need to quit.” I glanced around this gorgeous mega-mansion. “We should get out of here before he comes back.”
“He traffics women?”
I nodded.
“Fuck. Where should we go? The sultan’s out. Do you still have your apartment in L.A.?”
“Yes.” The idea of going back to Los Angeles felt like a brick on my chest. “And Stan offered me a new position at triple what I was making before.”
Lyssa looked at me doubtfully. “Are you sure you want to be working for that asshole again?”
“Well, one of us is going to need a paid position while we figure out our next move,” I said glumly.
She brightened, even when things were far from cheery. “See? That’s Ms. Responsible again. That’s who I always try to be but never quite manage.”
I laughed. “You shouldn’t. She’s terribly boring and never has any fun.”
“I think you mentioned a mechanical bull? Thatsounds like tons of fun. Remember though, Ms. Wild and Reckless over here is all fun but not substance. I have literally nothing to show for my life. I think I have two hundred dollars in the bank.”
“You’ve had years of adventures!”
“But I’m nothing on paper.” She shook her head. “No college degree. No real job experience. I make up my resumes to go with whatever job I’m looking for.”