I was probably squishing her. I lifted off and eased out. Then I undid the handcuffs with the quick release.
“I’m gonna get you some water. We have to keep you hydrated after all that.” I gently worked the plug out ofher ass, then rolled her up into my arms, and walked her to the front of the bed.
“Pull back the covers, baby,” I instructed.
Now that I’d gotten used to giving orders, I couldn’t stop. I knew my dominance turned Lyssa on, so I was gonna milk that for all it was worth.
She pulled the covers back, and I gently laid my precious cargo on the bed. “I’ll be right back,” I promised.
I grabbed the vibrator and plug and brought them with me to the bathroom to clean and disinfect later. For now, I dropped them in the sink while I disposed of my condom, washed my hands, and soaked a washcloth with warm water to clean her up.
Then I stopped in the kitchen for a tall glass of water and returned.
Lyssa was still where left her, splayed on her back on the bed, staring dazedly up at the ceiling.
I helped her sit up and gave her the glass. She drank down half of it thirstily. I finished the rest and set the empty glass on the bedside table. Rolling Lyssa to her belly, I used the washcloth between her legs and ass cheeks to clean her up.
“You okay?” I asked, noting that her ass was still red.
I’d played rough with females before, but they’d all been shifters. I hoped to hell I hadn’t been too crazy. I would punch my own face in if I’d hurt her.
“I’m great.” She sounded dreamy, like she was already slipping into slumber. Or was just so satisfied, she was in heaven.
I tossed the washcloth in my hamper and climbed in beside her. She rolled against my side, and I put my arm around her. “Do you believe in fate?”
“Yeah. Like, do you believe some things are meant to be?”
She went still. I could hear her holding her breath for a moment. “What things?”
“Like you and me. Meeting like we did. Clicking right from the start. Like we were made for each other. Do you feel that, too? Or is it just me?”
Lyssa turned her face to hide in my shoulder, and I felt her belly shudder.
“Are you…laughing?” Fuck, I shouldn’t have mentioned fate to a human. She had no context for it. It sounded stupid.
No, I smelled the salt of her tears.
“You’re crying?” I was suddenly alarmed. “Baby, what is it? Did I hurt you? Fuck.”
“No,” she sort of laugh-cried, and lifted her head. “It’s…I don’t know what it is. It’s just a release. That was intense.”
Right. We just had crazy intense sex, and then I started talking about fate. Bad idea.
“Thisis intense,” she added quietly.
This was intense. This moment. The two of us.
I cradled the side of her face in my palm and caught her watery gaze. “I’m gonna kiss you now.” I rolled our bodies over, so she was beneath me and took a long time kissing her deeply. Exploring her mouth. Trying to express with my tongue and lips what I had a hard time saying with my voice.
When I finished, I lifted my head and stared down at her. I wished to fate I could read her mind. Knew how close or far she was from accepting me as her mate.
“I do believe in fate,” she said, surprising the fuck out of me.
Her eyes swam with tears again.