“Yeah, my boss.”
He perked right up, eyes narrowing on me.
“I mean, my ex-boss in L.A. Stan.”
Johnny nodded as I shoved my cell away. A few days ago, I’d have jumped at the chance at what Stan was offering. I did miss having a purpose. Knowing what I was supposed to be doing. Being the good girl. Pleasing my boss. I almost wanted to know what new project he had in mind. Finally get that raise. But that would be old Emma shrinking back into the familiar. And I was playing Lyssa.
So, now?
I wanted to ride a horse and then ride a sexy cowboy.
Lyssa wasn’tcomfortable in a saddle. She gripped the reins in a tight hold, her arms and shoulders tense. Her ass had to be hurting with how she held herself instead of her body moving with Chestnut’s gait.
She didn’t complain. In fact, she looked to be enjoying it. Her face was lit like a child’s on Christmas morning, excited for something new, perhaps even something she didn’t even know she wanted.
Still, I couldn’t take her on a circuit around the ranch and then be done. No, I had to make this special. I also wanted her all to myself. We hadn’t even made it to the bunkhouse yet where we had privacy, but while I was the only one currently living in the space, only my bedroomtruly belonged to me. Anyone could come into the common room, use one of the showers. Even crash in one of the empty bedrooms.
So I’d be greedy and ensure she was mine and only mine for a little longer by taking her to the secret swimming hole on Natalie and Rand’s property. They were part of the pack which meant the place was just for us. No locals. All privacy.
When it came into view, I had Montague stop. Reaching out, I took Chestnut’s reins from Lyssa, not sure if she even knew that pulling back was the brakes.
“What’s this?” Her eyes coasted over everything before her.
“It’s a hot spring.”
Her head whipped toward mine, her hair sliding over her shoulders. “Ahot spring?Really?”
I nodded, sliding off Montague, then going around to lift Lyssa down with my hands around her waist. I slid her down my body, enjoying all her soft curves as she came to land on her feet.
Our eyes locked, and she licked her full lips.
“You good?” I asked before I released her, making sure her legs would hold her after our ride.
She nodded, and I stepped back, letting the reins drop.
Montague and Chestnut wouldn’t wander off with all the grass around to nibble on.
“Ever gone skinny dipping?”
Her eyes widened, then darted around furiously. “Um. No. My sister has, but I was too embarrassed.”
I raked my gaze over every inch of her. “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about, baby.”
Taking her hand, I led her down the barely-there narrow footpath. We were higher up the mountainside and small boulders dotted the hillside, scraggly bushes and even a few cottonwoods offered dappled spots of shade. It really was fucking gorgeous.
“I remember the first time I came here,” I said. “I loved it. Now I get to share it with you.” Whoops, was that too much? “For our hot date,” I added with a wink.
“Literally.” When my brow furrowed with confusion, she added, “Hotsprings.”
“Right! Hot date at the hot springs with the most beautiful woman in Montana.”
I stopped at the edge of the spring although without touching the water and knowing how warm it was, it looked like a simple pond.
“Fresh water comes over the waterfall, so it’s pretty cold.” I pointed, then to the far side of the pond. “The hot spring water comes from underground and into the pond from over there. The water’s crazy hot on that side, so we gotta steer clear. It all mixes together to make it just right over here.”