“Nope. Knew that, too. Are you holding back from me, Lyssa?” I pulled one of her labia into my mouth and sucked before I released it with a pop.
“I’m a special effects designer!”
I gave her a generous lick, parting her and draggingmy tongue all the way up. “Special effects? Impressive. That’s one. Now two more.”
“I love ice cream.”
“I’ll accept that one if you tell me your favorite flavor, too.” Mine was my mate’s pussy.
“Mint chocolate chip.”
“Noted. What else?”
“I, um, haven’t had sex in two years.”
“Oh, baby. Thank you for sharing that. I will make this worth the wait.” I went to town on her pussy once again, licking, sucking, tracing around her inner lips. I got the little nubbin of her clit between my lips and suctioned onto it.
That was how I earned my first scream–in her bed. I shoved two fingers into her and stroked her inner front wall–just behind her clit at the same time to bring her to orgasm. She clenched around my fingers, her delicious juices dripping into my palm as her ass squeezed so tight her hips popped off the bed. I kept sucking her clit the entire time.
“Good girl,” I praised when her thighs stopped shaking, and she sank into the bed.
“Oh my God, what are you doing to me?”
“I’m earning my right to be between your legs, baby.”
She let out a laugh-sob. “It’s good. So good.”
I crawled over her. “Tell me three more things.”
“Uh-uh.” She shook her head, her hands coming to my chest. “Your turn. Tell me three things about you.”
I kissed her neck then pushed back to sit on my heels to grab the condom. As I worked it on, I shared, “Okay. Here are three quick facts about me. One–licking your pussy is my new favorite thing. Two–I’m a ranch hand at Wolf Ranch, which is about two hours from here. And three–it’s time for you to take a cowboy for a ride.”
“Whoa,”I sputtered when he hooked an arm around my back and flipped us, so he flopped back onto the bed, and I was over him, straddling his hips. I had to laugh at how easily he maneuvered me around. Grabbing the base of his latex-covered dick, he gave it one slow pump.
His hand stilled as his gaze raked up my bare body to meet mine.
We stilled. Stared.
Hot Cowboy wanted me to take him for a ride. This was straight out of a fantasy. The kind Lyssa usually enjoyed, and I only got to hear about afterward.
She had an entire box of unopened sex toys I’d embarrassingly found tucked under the bed. She had tohave been a rep for an adult store or something to have that much paraphernalia. I wished I had the courage to pull them out and suggest Johnny and I use them, but I didn’t have any experience with toys. He also didn’t seem to need them.
“Johnny,” I whispered. Like I needed to say his name to make sure this was really happening.
Whatwasthis? Was it always like this for Lyssa? Having it be this easy with a guy? This fun? This… right?
I knew nothing about him except his name and his job. But I felt like I knew him. Felt like this was special. That this was more than just fun.
Was that me, Emma, being stupid? Was I silly to have my–gasp–heart invested?
“I’m yours, baby. Climb on.”
That rough tumble of his voice made me stop thinking. Made me refocus on the here and now. On his big, long, thick, huge, hard dick that was just waiting for me to sink onto. He’d made me come multiple times, and he hadn’t yet. Not once. He’d seen to me and my pleasure.