Page 46 of Rugged




They went around the table and listed adjectives that were really accurate. Clothes on or off.

“He comes off easy-going, but he’s got a darker side. Well, I don’t mean darker–just serious,” Becky added. Her phone was face up on the table, and the lock screen was of her and Clint and their little daughter who had the same big blue eyes as her.

I had glimpsed Johnny’s more serious side yesterday, when he told me about what happened with his sister, but I wanted to know if it went farther than that. “Oh? Like what?”

A new song came on, and Natalie made a loud whoop along with everyone else in the place.

“He’s close with Clint,” Becky said, her voice a little louder over the noise.

“They’ve been friends ever since he moved here. What happened to him before he came here, well, that’s Johnny’s story to tell you, but I think it really left a mark on him. Underneath all those panty-melting smiles and rippling muscles, he’s cautious.”

Johnny? Cautious? He seemed so spontaneous.

“He told me a little about what happened to his sister,” I offered, wondering if that’s what she meant.

Becky nodded, meaning she knew as well. The others looked a little lost but didn’t comment.

“Yeah, that left its mark on him. He has a firm sense of justice. He values honesty. He definitely doesn’t abide assholes.”

“Who does?” Willow muttered, raising her arm with an empty pitcher in her hand to signal the waitress for another.

He values honesty. How would he feel about me pretending to be Lyssa? Pretending to be spontaneous? Comfortable with her sexuality? Wild and free?

Would he still be interested?

A waitress swung by with a full pitcher of beer and a pint glass filled with a pale yellow drink. “Pineapple cider for Lyssa?”

I raised my hand. “That’s for me. Thanks.”

“Don’t make Johnny all doom and gloom, Beck.” Audrey put her hand on her friend’s forearm. “He’s protective of those he cares about, that’s all. And it looks like he’s decided he cares about Lyssa.”

As a group, we swiveled around on our stools to look Johnny’s way. He stood by the bar with the other guys. All of them were watching their specific woman and Johnny? He only had eyes for me.


I felt that heat, that need that arced between us from across the room.

“Oh my. That’s hot,” Willow said.

“Good thing the bunkhouse is empty,” Marina added with a giggle.

Yeah, good thing. Because when I told Johnny the truth about me–that I wasn’t actually named Lyssa and all the rest–I didn’t want anyone else around.

“Ooh!” Becky squealed. “Come on, it’s our turn on the bull. I put all our names down since none of us are preggers. Lyssa, you’re totally doing it with us!”

Everyone hopped up as if the table was on fire and headed toward the mechanical bull tucked away in the back.

No. Nope. No way was I getting on that thing!

The others didn’t seem to have the same thoughts. Based on how excited they all were, they thought it was fun.

Fun.There was that word again.