Page 47 of Tempted By Sin

But now I’m on my own without the help of Liam to get me through this.

Oh, no.

“She’s not taking any questions right now,” Raya answers for me. I’m grateful she is here, otherwise, I’d be fucked. “Now, take a step back so we can leave.”

They don’t take a step back. If anything, they throw more questions at me, blurring into one voice as it assaults my ears. After the conversation I just had with Raya, listening to the media ask me questions about Liam and Ace quickly becomes too much.

I have to get the hell out of here. Now.

I turn to Raya, my voice barely above a whisper. “I need to get out of here.”

“Let me come with—”

“I need to be alone.”

Raya regards me for a moment, her gray eyes filled with concern, but ultimately, she releases her arm from mine. “Be safe, okay? Call me if you need anything.”

I manage a quick nod before I turn to the left and run toward the exit as fast as my legs will carry me. The media follows me but are quickly stopped by security, allowing me to escape. My heart thumps harshly in my chest as I push through the throng of people shopping, not caring when I bump their shoulders or nearly trip over my feet.

When I reach my car, I’m out of breath, but I don’t stop. I climb in and take off. I merge easily with the traffic on the main road, my hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles begin to ache.

My first instinct is to go home and shut myself away in my bedroom, but being in the same space as Liam is the last thing I want. It’s a cruel reminder that the man I’ve spent four years of my life with is refusing to speak to me.

Instead, I decide to go to the one place I know I shouldn’t.



“How is everything with you, Ace?”

I blink at Enzo from across his desk, the leather seat cool against the back of my jean-clad thighs. He leans back in the large chair, his hands running down the front of his dark blue blazer sculpted to his frame. Not a single strand of dirty-blond hair is out of place, and his hard blue eyes focused on me.

“Everything is fine,” I answer, my back pin-straight. “Is there any news on those Bonanno fuckers?”

“They’ve been silent,” Enzo says and leans forward. “After they messed with our supply drop, it seems they’ve gone into hiding, likely waiting for us to retaliate.”

“Are we going to retaliate?”

Enzo hums. “Not yet. Patience is a virtue. If they think we could strike at any moment, I want them to fester in that anxiety, waiting for the unknown.”

I nod. Enzo isn’t someone who rushes into a situation like this, guns blazing, ready to kill. He takes his time planning an attack down to the finest details. Partly because he likes to keep his enemy on edge, hoping they might slip up somewhere so he can use that to his advantage, but also partly due to him wanting control over the situation. If he wants a fight, he will ensure he is the one controlling every move made. It’s something I respect about him.

“As always, I will be waiting for your orders.”

Enzo grins, that same evil twinkle in his eyes I see every day. “And that’s why I like you, Ace. Out of everyone in Gambino, I trust you the most. Not just because you’re my enforcer, but I know I can count on you to get shit done and carry the gang when the going gets tough.”

“I appreciate that,” I say with a nod. “Always happy to serve you.”

He leans back in the chair, a satisfied smile turning up his mouth. “Now that’s what I like to hear. You can go now.”

I stand but hesitate, locking eyes with Enzo. “I have a question before I go.”

Enzo opens his arms, gesturing toward me. “Hit me with it.”

“Who was the buyer who hired me to kidnap Paetyn Jones?”

He stares at me for a beat, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he regards me. I’m not one to care about buyers and what they ask of me, but when it concerns my little bird, I’m not going to stop until I know who the fucker is.