Page 34 of Tempted By Sin

PAE: You’re crazy and delusional.

ACE: Oh, little bird. Don’t you know I like it when you talk dirty to me. Don’t make me show you what I’m truly capable of.

PAE: I want you to stop messaging me and stalking me. I want you to leave me alone.

ACE: It’s cute that you think I would just give up on you. I will stop at nothing to get what I want. That is you.

PAE: I’ll never be yours, asshole.

ACE: We’ll see about that, little bird.



I’m not listeningto a single word my client is speaking. The words are static in my ears as I stare at her, nodding when needed, but nothing she says registers in my mind.

It’s not because I’m not interested in what she has to say. In fact, she’s telling me about her inability to choose between two men in her life and how it’s tearing her apart at the seams. This is certainly something I should be listening to as the person she has paid to help her and listen to what she has to say. But I justcan’t.

Her predicament makes me consider my own strangely similar one. I’m not in a position where I have to choose between two men, especially when there is only one right option in my case. But it doesn’t stop me from thinking about Liam and Ace.

I shouldn’t even have them together in the same thought when they couldn’t be more different. Where Liam is kind and attentive, Ace is observant and dangerous. They are on different ends of the spectrum in terms of personality and even looks, and yet, they both occupy space in my mind.

Giving space to Ace in my mind which should only be occupied by my fiancé is unacceptable, and yet, I’m unable to get those damn ocean eyes out of my head, no matter how hard I try.

I clear my throat and force my attention on Mary as she continues to talk about how she can’t decide whether she should continue seeing both of the men in secret or if she should pick one.

God, the irony of this isn’t lost on me.

Once our session wraps up, I bid farewell to Mary with the promise of seeing her again in two weeks. After she leaves my office, I blow out a long breath and shake my head.

I can’t get lost in my head, or even try to compare my situation to that of my clients. There shouldn’t even be a situation to begin with.

After taking a minute to gather myself, I collect my handbag and step out of my office. Clarissa is sitting behind the receptionist's desk, her gaze trained on me as I approach her.

“What have I told you about sticking around past closing time,” I scold, raising a brow at her.

She chuckles, not fazed by the warning in my voice. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m almost done, I promise.”

I stop in front of her desk, gazing down at her. “Good. You work hard enough as it is. Do you have any plans for tonight?”

Clarissa nods. “Jayden is going to take me out to dinner and a movie. It’ll be nice to get out of the house.”

“Don’t I know it,” I murmur. “But have fun.”

She drags her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes flicking over my face. “How are you doing with everything? I mean… I’m sure it hasn’t been easy these past few weeks.”

I blow out a long breath. “I’m okay.”

“Are you sure?”She raises a curious brow at me as if she doesn’t quite believe the words coming from my mouth. “You seem a little… distracted. I get that the media has been a nightmare and you’re probably on edge given what happened, so I wouldn’t judge you if you said you weren’t doing well. I’m here for you if you need to talk.”

While her words bring me a sense of comfort, how could I possibly divulge the turmoil in my mind? If I don’t understand what the hell is going on, how could I even begin to explain it to another person, much less my coworker?

“It’s been hard to adjust to all the new changes in my life, but I’m okay, really.” I offer a smile, but even I can tell it doesn’t reach my eyes. “Anyway, have a good night, Clarissa.”

“You too, Pae.”

I wave goodbye and walk to the exit. As I step on the street and take the usual route to where my car is parked, it feels as though I’m on autopilot. I barely notice the people walking shoulder to shoulder beside me or the man on a bike who nearly hits someone behind me. The chill in the air does little to cool my inflamed skin.