This is your fiancé, Pae. You need to forget about the monster stalking you and remember that this man is your life. Forget about Ace.
Liam shoves his pants down, freeing his hard cock. He slowly bumps the shaft as he guides it into my awaiting mouth. Now that I’m really looking at him, I can’t help but compare his size to Ace. Where Ace is huge and protruding veins, Liam is smaller and less impressive.
Stop it, Pae. Focus on your fiancé.
A hiss falls from Liam’s mouth when the head slips past my lips. “Fucking hell, Pae.”
I clasp my hands together on my thighs as one of his hands slips into my wet hair, holding me firmly in place, while the other comes up to cup my jaw. Even though I was meant to be taking the lead on this, it seems Liam has his own agenda.
Liam rocks his hips forward, pushing himself to the back of my throat, groaning as he does. “I’m going to win the election,” he grunts as he quickens his pace. “No one is going to beat me. I’m the best there is.”
He continues to praise himself as he fucks my throat, but I zone out at his words. Instead, I focus on the night sky out the window and how the stars twinkle a little brighter out here than it does further in the city. I’m not one to get easily distracted in moments like these, but it seems Liam is only looking to get himself off, not caring about me, so I may as well not even be here.
As Liam mercilessly drives his cock to the back of my throat, I feelhiseyes on me, lurking in the shadows. He may be hidden, but he makes his presence known.
My heart rate spikes, and my hands grow clammy. Liam may as well be invisible because all I’m focused on ishim.
No matter where he is, I know he’s watching. Waiting.
For once,I’m not stalking my little bird.
This time, I have my eyes set on her loser fiancé. I knew politics was fucking boring, but it’s even worse witnessing it with my own eyes. The mundane cream walls and white tiles in this building make me want to rip my eyeballs out of my skull.
It was easy to blend in with the crowd, posing as a janitor who cleans the hallways and offices. Given how far up each other’s asses these people are, I knew I would be able to lurk the hallways undetected, keeping a watchful eye.
When I decided to watch Paetyn’s fiancé today, just to see what he does throughout the day, I knew what I was walking into—boring people talking about an equally boring topic. I set up a video camera in his office when he left for lunch, hoping that when he returned he would give me something, anything, that would be of interest.
I have no idea what I’m expecting to get out of this. But I knew I had to find something incriminating to hold against this motherfucker with her. The sooner I get him away from my little bird, the better.
After I kissed Paetyn in the alleyway two nights ago, my obsession with her has only grown. I had no intention of giving her my lips because I’m not one to kiss on the mouth, the act far too intimate for me, but I couldn’t help myself, not when she was looking at me with those innocent eyes. She is all I think about—her sweet voice on a constant loop in my mind, and her intoxicating scent simmering beneath my skin.
I’m consumed by every inch of her to the point it’s maddening, but I welcome it. Crave it, even.
When I followed her home that night and watched through the open balcony curtains as that asshole fucked her mouth like it was his, all I saw was red. The deep-rooted obsession and desire to make this woman mine almost pushed me to the point of snapping his fucking neck just so he would stop touching her.
But I reined in my temper enough to not storm the room and show that fucker who Paetyn really wants.
She couldn’t see me, but I know she felt my presence, and my eyes watching her from afar. I could tell by the way her cheeks flushed a light pink and her eyes stayed focused on the open space between us, as if she were wishing I would appear.
She wants me, even if she refuses to admit it.
From my position behind a cleaning cart I found in the storage room earlier, I watch the door to Liam’s office. I managed to slip into the storage room undetected and stole a spare uniform lying on one of the shelves before taking the cart, using it as my shield from the eyes of the people walking the halls of the building.
No one is any the wiser as I lurk nearby, watching, waiting.
I check my watch and frown. Fifteen minutes. That’s how long ago a leggy redhead waltzed into Liam’s office and hasn’t returned since.
I’ve been watching this fucker all day, and he has done nothing but attend meetings, talk with people in the hallway about boring political shit, and sit in his office doing God knows what. Besides this one little detail, he has been a very uninteresting fucking person to watch.
I glance over my shoulder at the near empty hallway. Most of the people in the building have long since left once 5:00 PM rolled around, with some lingering as they collect the last of their belongings. But not Liam Aster. When everyone in their respective offices left thirty minutes ago, he made no move to leave. Instead, he stayed put in his office, still joined by the unknown redhead.
My hands tighten around the handle attached to the cart. Whatever is happening in there, the video camera I strategically placed on the bookcase facing his desk will capture it. Whether anything of note is happening, I’m not sure.
I pretend to fiddle with items on the cart when the last of the lingering people in the hallway pass by, their eyes never straying toward me. Given I’m dressed in a janitor uniform and everyone else here is dressed in a suit, of course they don’t take the time to glance in my direction. If anything, they view me as someone beneath them, no better than the dirt stuck to the bottom of their overpriced shoes.