Listeningto bones splinter beneath my fist is like music to my fucking ears.
Drops of blood glide down my cheek, landing on my bare arm as it hurdles toward the man’s fucked up face. The blow is sickening to my ears, followed by a deep groan. Again, hearing someone in pain because ofmeis something I could listen to all damn day.
“Please… stop.” His breaths are labored, the syllables cracking slightly. His shaved head is slick with blood and sweat. “It wasn’t… my fault.”
I exhale a sharp breath and stand back, admiring my handiwork. The skin around his eyes is swollen to the point I’m sure I look like a blurry blob, and bruises are starting to form on his cheekbones which I’m sure are shattered inside his skull. Blood, both dry and fresh, litters his face.
He looks like fucking shit.
When I dragged his ass in here last night, kicking and screaming like a goddamn child, I knew he wasn’t going to make it easy for me. The poor bastard pushed my buttons, trying to talk me out of what I needed to do and attempting to escape, I knew I had to do something to keep him in place.
And that meant holding him against the large wooden boards lining the small room for occasions like this, and hammering two large nails through the palms of his hands. It made his screams louder, begging for help or death. No one came to his aid because not only is the room soundproof, but I was ordered to torture this fucker.
We’ve been going at this for hours. My knuckles are beginning to ache, but I welcome the pain. I fucking crave it.
It’s a distraction fromher. Silver hair. Eyes as green as the Amazon rainforest. A fucking sweet voice that damn well nearly brings me to my knees every time it echoes through my mind.
Fucking hell.
“Then whose fault was it, David?” My eyes meet his swollen eyelids. “Because, last time I checked, you were the one who fucked up the supply drop.”
“I was jumped,” he spits, frustration dripping from his words. “I had no idea those assholes were going to be there. I didn’t… know they would take everything and leave me for dead.”
“If I were you, I would have made sure you died before showing your face back here.” I roll my neck from side to side, relieving the built-up tension. Despite the pain in my knuckles, I flex them, ready to continue. “Enzo is fucking pissed, and rightfully so. But luckily for you, he doesn’t want me to kill you. Not yet.”
David’s lip quivers as he stares at me, his head falling forward. “Y-you don’t have to do this, man. It wo-won’t happen again, I promise.”
“You’re right, it won’t happen again.” Without so much as breaking eye contact, I reel my right fist back and land it square against his jaw. Blood spurts from his busted lips, spraying across the wall beside him. I grin at the sight. “Once I’m done with you, you’re going to wish you were dead.”
* * *
I stepout of the room, wiping my knuckles with the edge of my shirt. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to wear a white T-shirt given the bloody mess I left behind.
Two guards rush into the room, and moments later, David’s limp and unconscious body is being dragged away. They disappear down the hallway, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Which isn’t a good thing because they always drift back toher.
Every. Goddamn. Time.
Approaching footsteps from the opposite end of the hallway have my back straightening. I turn just in time to see Enzo, dressed in a pressed three-piece black suit with his dirty blond hair slicked back, flanked by two beefy guards. His black eyes find mine before traveling down to the blood-soaked shirt hanging from my frame.
An evil grin splits his face. “I see you had a good time.”
“He may have squealed like a pig, but goddamn, was he fun to torture.”
Enzo’s aged features tighten as he clenches his jaw, his arms clasped firmly behind his back. “Did you get any new information from him?”
I run my hand through my messy hair, dried blood clumping some of the strands together. “He’s adamant he knew nothing about those Bonanno fuckers jumping him. They came out of nowhere while he was down at the docks ready to make the drop.”
Enzo exhales a long breath. “No one knew about the drop besides me and David. Which means we have a fucking mole.”
Having a mole in the Gambino gang is unheard of. Enzo runs a tight fucking ship around here, keeping every member in line with a simple hard glance. No one would dare fuck with the Don, especially if you want to continue breathing through your mouth and not a straw.
Who would be game enough to tip off our rival gang about a drop? Someone with a death wish, I’m sure.
“If there is someone game enough to do that, I will fucking find them.”
The corner of Enzo’s mouth turns up in a smirk. “I know you will.” He clears his throat. “Any news on the girl you kidnapped?”
I swallow hard and run my tongue over the inside of my cheek. “She’s taken care of.”