Raya releases my hand and leans back. Within seconds the margarita glass is in her hand, her lips wrapped around the straw. “I’m ready. Lay it on me, Pae.”
So, I do.
I tell hereverything.
My lungs ache the more I talk, and my head becomes a jumbled mess with my chaotic thoughts. Between each part of the story from the moment I was kidnapped in the alleyway to the moment I was rescued, I stop to take a bite from the burrito I ordered and sip on my margarita.
Raya’s eyes stay glued to mine as I speak. She doesn’t utter a single sound, which I’m thankful for. I needed this moment to brain dump all over her and get my feelings out on the table, laying them bare. If she had stopped me to ask questions, it would disrupt the flow.
By the time I explain the text message I received from my kidnapper, I’m breathless. My burrito is now forgotten on my plate, and I’m desperate for another margarita.
Raya’s eyes are wide as she gazes at me from across from the small table. She blinks slowly. “Oh, woah. That certainly was… a lot.”
I exhale a sharp breath and run my fingers through the ends of my hair. “Tell me about it. I’m fucked up, aren’t I? For what I did…”
Raya’s hand shoots across the table to grab mine. “You’re not fucked up, Pae. What you went through… no one should have to endure.” Her hand squeezes mine gently. “You’re a strong woman. I’ve always said that.”
“I cheated on my fiancé.” I blink back the tears forming in the corner of my eyes as my stomach twists in a painful knot. “And now I can’t stop thinking about the man who kidnapped me. What normal person does that?”
I’ve disclosed my suspicions of Liam’s infidelity to Raya. She has reminded me that without proof, I can’t be sure that is what’s happening. If he truly is cheating on me, then I’m no better than him.
My stomach twists painfully with the admission.
“It has to be Stockholm Syndrome,” Raya responds, her voice low so the people sitting around us don’t overhear. “It would explain everything. You said this guy was giving you food and water, and even spending time in your room. It would make sense that you’ve developed some sort of attachment to him for keeping you alive.”
I ponder her words. Stockholm Syndrome? I never thought that could actually happen. Because what person would form a connection with someone who kidnapped them and held them captive? It could explain everything I’ve been feeling since I was rescued, though. And why I had sex with him.
Being locked in that small room for seven days would drive anyone crazy, making them feel alone and scared. Maybe I did develop an attachment to him because I was lonely and craved human interaction. It has to be…
“Maybe you’re right,” I murmur, my throat dry.
“If that’s the case, you need to stay away from this guy, Pae. No responding to his messages or allowing him to see you in person. If you’re worried about him, tell Liam and go to the police, okay? He sounds dangerous, and I don’t want to even think about the possibility of losing you again.”
I swallow hard and squeeze her hand. Raya’s concerns are valid. I don’t want a repeat of what happened to me. If keeping my distance from the masked man will ensure my safety and hopefully break whatever bond I’ve created with him, then so be it.
“I’m not going anywhere, okay?” I smile, patting the back of her hand. “Anyway, I need another drink. My treat this time.”
Raya chuckles and leans back in her chair. “I hope you don’t have plans for the rest of the night because I want to get so drunk I can’t see straight.”
“You and me both, Ray.”
* * *
“Phew,Pae. What has gotten into you tonight?” Liam sighs contently beside me, his arm thrown lazily over my stomach. “You jumped my bones the moment you got home.”
I exhale a low breath, my eyes focused on the ceiling. He’s right. After my night with Raya, drinking too many margaritas to count and the recent discussion of possibly having Stockholm Syndrome, I wanted to prove that what happened with the masked man was a once off because I was lonely. That my attraction to him was just physical and nothing more.
The moment I walked through the front door—well, more like stumbled—I found Liam on the couch watching TV. His shirt reeked of perfume like it does most nights, but I didn’t care. My drunk brain only had one thing on its agenda, and that was to sleep with Liam to remind myself who my fiancé is and why I need to stop thinking about my kidnapper.
While the sex was decent and I feel closer to Liam, I can’t help but feel… odd. And I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. It’s almost as if my mind is present but my body is vacant. Like I’m mentally here in the moment, but I’m physically somewhere else.
Yeah, back in the dingy bedroom with the masked man’s hands roaming all over your—
“I’m going to get some air,” I murmur, unable to meet Liam’s eyes.
He hums in acknowledgment and rolls over to his side–away from me. “Okay, babe. Don’t be too long.”
I get out of bed, wrap my silk robe around my naked body, and scoop my phone off the bedside table. My legs move on autopilot, stepping out onto the small balcony that overlooks the front yard. A slight breeze nips at my skin, but I welcome it.