My phone vibrates in my lap. I snap my eyes downward to see a text message from Raya on the screen.
RAYA: Let’s meet up for dinner tonight. Since you’ve been out of hospital, I’ve barely seen you. I miss you, Pae.
I drag my bottom lip between my teeth as I read my best friend’s message. She’s right. Between getting back to work and avoiding the media, I haven’t had the chance to sit down with her and catch up properly. Liam has been adamant that I stay at home and rest after work, but I’m in desperate need of some girl time.
Meeting up with Raya is just the distraction I need.
PAETYN: Absolutely! Text me the details of where to meet, and I’ll be there as soon as I can.
I lift my phone to my ear after dialing Liam’s number. It’s best I let him know right away about my changed plans so he’s not worried about my whereabouts. He’s been busy at work this past week with his campaign, so there is a chance he may not answer.
When I reach his message bank, his voice filtering through my ears, I bite my lip. I leave him a message, detailing my plans to meet up with Raya. I hope he’s not annoyed I’m going out tonight, but I’m not going to be in any danger. Not when I’m with another person, and I’ll have Toby outside the restaurant if I need him.
I drop my phone in my lap and turn to Toby. His gaze is focused ahead at the traffic, but I know he’s watching me from the corner of his eye. “Toby, change of plans. I need you to drive me somewhere else.”
He nods. “As you wish, Miss Jones.”
* * *
The Mexican restaurantRaya asked me to meet her at is busy. Loud voices ring throughout the cramped space, and my vision blurs at the edges, mixing with the burnt orange walls and bright yellow tablecloths.
I inhale a deep breath and push my way through the restaurant, clutching my handbag to my side. Fried beans and guacamole waft through the air, making my stomach growl. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I stepped inside, surrounded by delicious food and endless glasses of frozen margaritas.
A head of strawberry blonde hair falls into my line of sight. My mouth turns up into a half smile when I lock eyes with Raya, her golden irises, with flecks of green, push away the tension in my shoulders.
God, I have missed my best friend.
“Pae!” she calls out, standing. “Over here.”
I smile and push my way through the last little bit of space, making sure to apologize for bumping shoulders with one of the workers. As soon as I reach the table, Raya wraps her arms around my neck, holding me close to her body. My eyes flutter close as the scent of her lotus and vanilla shampoo fills my senses.
Warmth spreads through my chest. I dreamed about hugging my best friend while I was held captive. Tears threaten to form in the corner of my eyes, but I blink them away.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Raya murmurs, her grip around me tightening.
“I’ve missed you too.” My words are breathless as Raya squeezes the air out of my lungs, but I welcome it. Having her arms around me is better than lying on a dingy bed wondering if I’ll ever get to have her in my arms again.
Raya pulls away, but I sense her reluctance as her arms fall to her side. She gestures to the empty chair across from her, and we both sit down. “I’m so glad we could do this. Since everything that has happened, I needed to see you and make sure you’re okay.”
A young waitress stops by to take our food and drink order, halting the conversation. Raya orders a chicken and cheese quesadilla, and I go for the chicken burrito. After a long day at work, I need it.
When the waitress steps away after confirming our order, I return my attention to my best friend. “You look great, by the way. Did you get your hair cut recently?”
Raya smiles and flips her hair over her shoulder. “I did, actually. You’re always so observant.”
“Or it could be because I haven’t seen you in forever.” Even I hear the unspoken words hanging in the air.I haven’t seen you because I was held captive for a week. I cringe internally and shift on the seat. “Anyway…”
Raya leans across the table, her pink manicured fingers wrapping around my hand in a gentle embrace. She offers me a sad smile. “If you want to talk about what happened, you know you can confide in me. I’m sure the media has been hounding you for these details, so don’t feel as though you have to tell me.”
The same waitress stops by the table to drop off our watermelon margaritas. She must sense the shift in emotion between Raya and me because she places the drinks down and leaves with a quiet nod.
I exhale a long breath and weigh my options. Raya would understand if I chose not to talk about my kidnapping and put it down to me not wanting to relive what happened. But after the text I received from my kidnapper… I don’t know, I’m more confused than anything else. Throw in the fact I had sex with him and have been unable to stop thinking about him, I’ve got myself a messed up head and a person who doesn’t know what to do.
Maybe getting the details off my chest will be therapeutic in a way. Raya is a great listener and isn’t one to cast judgment on anyone. Granted, this might be the expectation given the contents of the details. But as my best friend, she will give me the advice I’m seeking as to what I should do about the situation I’m in.
If I don’t say anything now, I never will.
“Okay,” I breathe and squeeze her hand. “Buckle up because you’re in for one hell of a ride.”