Page 18 of Tempted By Sin



The insistent beepingof the machines surrounding my bed has been driving me insane all night. At this point, I would rather have the silence of the shack I spent the last week trapped in.

Since arriving at the hospital yesterday afternoon, I haven’t slept a wink. It’s a little hard when nurses and doctors are rushing in and out of the room to check my vitals and ensure I’m doing okay. Add to that a horde of reporters trying to get a statement from the woman who survived a kidnapping and lived to tell the tale and you’ve got yourself a goddamn nightmare.

Thankfully, Liam has been kind enough to handle the media for me as I’m in no condition to be speaking with them. I’m exhausted, desperate for a proper night’s rest in my bed at home, and want nothing more than to see my mother. When I was rescued, Liam informed me that he had been visiting my mother to ensure she knew he was doing everything he could to find me. I was grateful to hear such an update since I had been worried about her the entire time I was gone.

But now, I get to see her for myself. The nurses permitted me to go visit her, but only for twenty minutes so I don’t overexert myself. No matter how many times I tell them I’m fine, they insist on me resting. Liam helps me slip into a robe so that I am covered in the skimpy hospital gown, and we head off for a visit.

The elevator doors ding open, and Liam and I step inside. His hand rests firmly on my lower back as we stand side by side, watching the elevator doors close. He managed to get away from the reporters long enough to accompany me to visit my mom.

“Thanks for coming with me,” I murmur.

Liam leans over and plants a soft kiss on the top of my head. “Of course. I know how worried you are about her. Being away from her for this long couldn’t have been easy.”

“It wasn’t,” I admit quietly. “I spent many nights lying awake wondering if she was okay or not.”

“She was in good hands, I promise.” Liam pulls me to his side. “But you don’t have to worry any longer, okay? I will continue to ensure she gets the best possible treatment.”

The elevator doors ding open, revealing the hustle and bustle of nurses rushing around. Liam gestures for me to walk first, so I do. We walk down the hallway to the ward where my mom is located. When we approach the front desk, the small television hanging on the wall behind them broadcasts the news. And, of course, my face is plastered across it, alongside Liam’s.

“Liam Aster, the well-known Senator running for reelection, has worked tirelessly the last seven days to track down his missing fiancée, Paetyn Jones, after she was kidnapped by an unknown male. After many sleepless nights, Mr. Aster helped the police locate Miss Jones outside the city in a shack hidden in the forest. Miss Jones was found unharmed. The police are still on the hunt for her kidnapper, so if you saw something suspicious last Friday night in the downtown area, then you are urged to share the information with the police.”

I sigh. The media coverage about my kidnapping is never-ending. I fear what it’ll be like when I do get to leave tomorrow morning. From what Liam has told me, reporters have been set up on our front lawn for the past 24 hours, waiting for me to return. The thought of coming home after being away for so long and seeing so many people waiting for me makes my chest tighten.

“Come on, Pae.” Liam presses a kiss to the top of my head, leading me away from the front desk. “Just ignore the news, okay? I’m sure, in a few days, it’ll all blow over, and they’ll find a new story to be obsessed with.”

“You’re right,” I hum softly, licking my lips. “Thank you for taking care of it for me. It’s not something I’m up to facing just yet.”

“It’s my pleasure, Pae. Anything for you.”

My mother’s room comes into view at the end of the hallway. The uncomfortable feeling in my chest from seeing the news just now dissipates at the thought of seeing her. It’s been far too long. I just hope she’s doing okay.

When we enter the room, Mom is sitting up in bed, her eyes focused on the television playing a trashy reality TV show. The corner of her mouth is turned up in a half smile as she picks at the leftover lunch food on the table beside her.

“Mom,” I breathe. I’m unable to keep tears from lining my bottom lashes at the sight of her. Although it’s only been about ten days since I’ve seen her, the skin in her cheeks looks a little more hollow, likely from the chemo treatment. Despite her skin being paler than usual, the brightness of her eyes hasn’t changed.

I almost burst into sobs when she looks at me.

Tears well in her eyes as realization washes over her features. “Pae? Is that you?”

I step away from Liam and rush to her side, wrapping my arms around her neck so tightly I fear I may cut off her airway. Her shoulders are thinner, an indication she has lost weight. The floral scent clinging to her skin makes me smile against her neck, forcing the tears to flow freely down my cheeks.

This moment right here is what I dreamed about every night before I went to sleep while in captivity. My mom is the most important person in my life, so I’m glad to be back in her arms. And I have Liam to thank for that. Without his help, I may never have gotten out of that shack alive.

“Where have you been, sweetie?” Mom asks gently, her voice smooth. “Liam told me you had been kidnapped, but I learned on the news yesterday they found you.”

I sniffle back tears and tighten my embrace. “I’m okay, Mom. I promise. The doctors just didn’t think I was strong enough to come see you yet, but I’m fine.”

We pull away from each other, and I lean into Mom’s touch as she caresses my cheek. She smiles up at me, tears brimming her own eyes. “What happened to you?”

“I can’t talk about it too much as it’s an open investigation, but just know I’m okay. The man who took me… he didn’t hurt me.”

Mom blows out a shaky breath and drops her hand from my cheek to hold my hand tightly. “I suppose I have your wonderful fiancé here to thank. He told me all about the hard work he had been putting in with the police to find you.”

I cast a glance over my shoulder at where Liam stands by the closed door, his hands shoved into the pockets of his black slacks. He lifts a shoulder in response, a warm smile on his lips.