Page 81 of Defend Me

“Take those into the blue study, would you, Alex?” I ask him as he starts to unload the case files.

“Right away, Miss Von,” he says.

I may as well work from the study where Caden began this whole thing, with his little murder board and all his theories. Hefound the letters Mom hid from her stalker in the desk drawer in there. So it feels like the appropriate place to set up shop.

No one seems to be home as we head inside. I have the urge to take Noah’s hand, the way we used to back in the city. It’s become such a comfort to me. But we can’t show affection here.

Tonight though…I’m sneaking out to the guesthouse to be with him.

As we walk further into the house, a delicious scent catches my attention. I hear the faint strains of Taylor Swift and when we enter the kitchen, Isla is standing at the counter with an enormous mound of dough in front of her. There’s a smudge of flour on her cheek and she wears an apron with a daisy pattern on it as she cheerfully punches the dough and sings along toLondon Boy.

“Hi Isla,” I say, instinctively taking one step away from Noah to create some space between us.

“Oh my god, you’re back!” Isla rushes over to hug me then stops herself and looks at her hands, covered in sticky dough. “Sorry, I’m a mess. Hi, hi!”

“What are you making?” Noah asks.

“Focaccia,” she replies. “Got a big order through my website for a baby shower. Fall themed. I’m doing cupcakes next.” She wipes at the flour on her cheek with the back of her hand, making the smudge even bigger. “Caden is picking up Sebastian from the airport now—he’s going to stay at the Thorn for a few days while he checks out the Everton property. Caden says his visa will be ready next year. Alistair is in the city with Russell, and Finn is at some city council meeting. Oh Noah, I’m so glad you’ll be staying in the guesthouse. It will be nice to have you close. Pop is going to stay with Charlotte’s parents to avoid the press during the trial. We all thought it was best for him not to be driving back and forth from the cabin.”

“Oh, that’s great,” Noah says, looking relieved.

“And look who’s here!” Isla says, pointing out the window. Acopper-colored lab lounges in the grass by the entrance to Mom’s garden, soaking up the October sun.

“Penny!” Noah cries and the next instant he’s out the door, bounding down the wide stone steps of our back terrace. Penny leaps to her feet at the sight of him, barking joyfully as he falls onto the grass so she can pounce on him, licking his face while he laughs and rubs her belly. I feel a softening in my chest as I watch them, a warmth spreading through me. I want to kick off my shoes and go roll around in the grass with them.

I glance at Isla and quickly smooth out my expression. “That was nice of you,” I say. “Does Dad know?”

“It was Caden’s idea,” she says.

“Ah,” I say. “That tracks.”

Only Caden could convince Dad to let an animal stay on the property. “So, are you living here now?” I ask.

“Oh god no,” Isla says. “Sorry. No offense.”

I laugh. “None taken.”

“Caden and I mostly stay at my place, but I needed to use the kitchen. It’s easier to bake here once I’m done at the Thorn. I’m not in the way if my parents need to prepare anything for the guests.” She goes back to punching the dough.

“Business going well?” I ask, sliding onto a stool at the island, my gaze drifting out the windows to where Penny is chasing Noah around the yard.

“It is,” Isla gushes. “I’m so surprised. Charlotte isn’t, of course—she keeps telling me she knew this would happen and she can’t believe it took me so long to start selling my pastries. Eric at Perks has a standing order now. And Caden thinks I should open my own café!”

“You absolutely should,” I tell her.

She beams. “I just need to save up some money first. And there’s contracts to sign and property taxes and stuff. I’ve been reading up on it a bit. It all feels kind of overwhelming.”

“Good thing you’ve got an in with someone who knows a thing or two about contracts,” I say.

Isla’s eyebrows shoot up her forehead. “You—you would help me with all that?”

“Of course,” I say. “I mean, I’m no expert on real estate. But if you wanted someone to?—”

“Yes!” Isla cries. “Oh my god, Von. That would be amazing. Thank you. Seriously!”

“I haven’t done anything yet,” I say.

“You’re being a really great friend,” Isla declares. “That’s enough.”