Page 63 of Defend Me

When we get to the estate, I feel my muscles release a fraction.

It may not be Pop’s little house on the opposite side of the bay, but this mansion was like a second home to me. And even as I’ve been enjoying my time in the city, it feels damn good to be home. I wonder why Von brought us here—that little smirk made me think she’s up to something. She’s suspiciously quiet as we head inside, leading me down the hall to the kitchen.

Daisy is there, wearing a pink bikini top and a pair of denim cutoffs, and mixing up a giant pitcher of margarita. “You’re here!”she shrieks excitedly when she sees us, rushing over to give first me and then Von exuberant hugs. “Ooh, I like the beard, Noah.”

“What’s going on?” I ask, bemused.

“Didn’t Von tell you?” she says.

“It was meant to be a surprise,” Von says.

Daisy beams. “Surprise! Von asked me to organize a pool party.”

“Huh?” I say as Daisy gestures toward the backyard. Out the huge French doors, I see Caden and Isla, Alistair and Finn, Charlotte and her sister Maria, and Jake Stein and Joni Lewis all hanging out around the Evertons’ massive pool.

“You did this?” I ask Von.

“Daisy called everyone,” she says, her cheeks turning pink. “I just had the idea.”

Daisy is looking at her sister like she’s sprouted three heads. “Are you blushing?”

The pink on Von’s cheeks gets darker. “No,” she snaps quickly. “Noah needs a swimsuit,” she adds, changing the subject.

“Right.” Daisy’s eyes linger on her sister’s face a moment longer. “I’ll grab you one,” she says to me. She pushes the pitcher into Von’s arms. “The press has been relentless—Everly Harris in particular. I think we all needed a fun distraction. Genius, Von.”

Daisy hurries off and Von gazes out the door after her, her expression a touch mournful.

“What?” I ask quietly.

“It’s so unfair,” she says. “Daisy was only a teenager when Mom died. And she has to go through all this again. Rumors and speculation, and now it’s worse because you’re dragged into it too.” The pitcher wobbles in her arms and I take it from her, acutely aware of the warmth of her skin where we touch. “She loves you like a brother.” She chuckles. “Daisy actuallywantedmore brothers.”

There’s a shriek from outside and Von clears her throat. “Charlotte’s here,” she says.

“Yeah, I saw her. And that’s Jake Stein, you know.” I point him out, his glasses catching the sun.

“Oh,” Von says. “Great. Well, I’m sure everyone is eager to see the guest of honor. Let’s go…pool party.”

“Okay,” I say, smiling as I carry the pitcher out to the gathered crew.



Noah is greeted with lots of cheers and hugs and back slapping.

When he embraces Charlotte, I look down into my glass of margarita. Obviously, I had to tell Daisy to invite her to this, but that doesn’t mean I need to see them kissing or anything.

I hope my date tonight with Kent helps kick these stupid flutters for good.

Daisy comes out with a suit for Noah, and he goes to the guesthouse out past the tennis court to change. He returns in only a pair of swimming trunks, his chest bare, his skin dusted bronze in the afternoon sun. I sit in a lounge chair in the shade, a little apart from everyone. Even though this was my plan, I feel out of place. I’m more accustomed to work events. But everyone looks like they’re having like fun.

I can see how being back here is affecting Noah—his eyes are brighter, his smile warmer. I have to keep my sunglasses securely on my face because try as I might, my eyes are drawn to him overand over again, his muscles rippling as he cuts a smooth backstroke through the water.

“Hey,” Finn says, coming to sit next to me and pulling me out of my thoughts. Like me, he’s wearing work clothes. “How’s the case going?”

“No comment,” I reply, my gaze drifting back to the pool as Caden slaps a giant wave in Noah’s direction. Noah laughs and wipes his face, raking his fingers through his beard. He got lots of comments on that. I agree with Daisy—it looks good on him. He’ll need to shave for trial though. Clean shaven men play better for juries. Bearded men look like they have something to hide.
