Page 7 of Defend Me

“I do not think Noah murdered your mother,” he says. “But that does not bring us any closer to finding out who did. What Ido know is that this does not look good for the company. Especially not with Caden taking the reins.”

I try to keep my expression neutral even as my heart sinks to my knees. Of course. It’s always about Caden and the company. The only two things Dad has cared about since Mom died. Getting Caden back has been priority number one for five years. We all knew it, even if Dad never said it explicitly.

We all know every single one of us comes second behind Caden the fucking Great.

“We must maintain control of the narrative, Siobhan,” Dad continues. “This is going to be a test for Everton. If there’s a trial, it will be a media circus: the daily updates, the testimony…god knows what crazies might come out of the woodwork.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Are you worried about anyone in particular?”

Dad clenches his jaw. “I am worried about everything,” he says. “Your brother was right. We need someone on the inside, someone who can give the family a heads up about any information the police have, witnesses, things like that…”

I nod vigorously. “I can do this, Dad.” Why does he have to only focus on Caden? Why can’t he just say I’m the best person for the job, the one job my brothercan’tdo? “I’ll need to talk to Howard. See if he’ll let me take a leave of absence.”

I’ve got cases at the firm that will need to be passed off to other lawyers.

“Iwill talk to Howard,” Dad says firmly. “It will not be a problem.”

I purse my lips. I’ve worked so hard to make a name for myself on my own. Of course, everyone at the office knows I’m an Everton, but I busted my ass, graduated top of my class at Columbia Law, put in more billable hours than anyone else at the firm, and still I’m seen as a fucking nepo baby.

And now Dad is going to prove that point by sweeping in and forcing Howard to give me special treatment.

“All right,” I say. “I’ll go to the sheriff’s office now and talk to Noah.”

There’s no time like the present. I’ve got to get the ball rolling. I can do this. I can show Dad I’m just as capable as Caden.

And honestly, it will be nice to put my skills to a more noble use—to help someone who really needs it.

I wonder if Howard will let me take Grayson Ling as my second chair. He’s the best junior associate at the firm and a top-notch researcher. Noah is going to have the best goddamn defense team possible.

And while I’m proving his innocence, maybe I can do what the cops have failed to do all these years: find out who really killed my mother.

“Alex will take you,” Dad says, pulling out his phone to text the family driver.

I head to the door and just as I place my hand on the knob, my father stops me in my tracks.

“Siobhan,” he says. I turn and there’s a gleam in his eye. He may have more gray around his temples and a few more lines around his mouth, but my father is still an impressive figure. “Don’t disappoint me.”

A chill runs up my spine.

I nod. “I won’t.”

“Good. Now go.”



Caden is insane if he thinks Von will agree to represent me.

But I’ve got more immediate problems. Like the fact that I am currently in a tiny jail cell in the back of the sheriff’s department.

Once Caden left, I told the sheriff I wasn’t talking without my lawyer present, so he brought me here. Just like Caden said. I’ve given up on pacing—it was making me feel more like a trapped animal. Instead, I’m lying on the cold metal bench, counting the cracks in the ceiling. It’s not keeping the jittery buzz in my chest at bay but there’s nothing else I can do. My fingers tap against the metal beneath me.Tap tap tap tap.How long has it been since Caden left? It feels like days. Am I seriously meant to stay here all weekend?

Tap tap tap tap.

When I hear footsteps, it’s not just the hard slap of a cop’s shoes against the cement floor, but the distinctive click of high heels as well. My head turns at the sound, my ears pricking.

Derek Davis, one of my fellow deputies, appears on the opposite side of the bars.