“In light of this new evidence, the court approves the defense’s motion,” the judge says coldly. “The case against Noah Patterson is dismissed!”
He bangs the gavel down with unnecessary force and then hurries out of the courtroom as the gallery erupts in cheers. Before I know it, we’re swarmed. Caden is thumping Noah on theback as Daisy lets out a sob and throws her arms around him. Isla’s eyes glisten with tears as she hugs me and Charlotte comes running up to us shouting, “You fucking did it!”
The one person I want to hold right now is being pulled farther and farther away—Noah is engulfed by friends and family, his grandfather openly sobbing as Mrs. Greerson hands him a tissue and pats his arm, Jake and Linda May and Cody all congratulating him. Mr. Sanderson is in enthusiastic conversation with Dev and Reggie, as Dev wipes tears from his eyes. I steal a glance at the sheriff, crowded with some other deputies around Wilbur, all talking in hushed tones with angry faces. Wilbur catches my eye and gives me a tight nod. The sheriff barks at his son as Cody slinks away from the celebrations with flushed cheeks. Mike Cochran glares at Noah from the gallery, so I guess that grudge is still alive and well.
Cameras click as reporters shout questions at us. I see Everly Harris, looking dumbfounded. Noah pushes his way through the crowd, his face alight with joy and relief. The flecks of gold in his brown eyes sparkle as he reaches me, his smile stretching so wide it threatens to break his cheeks.
“It’s over,” he says breathlessly. “You did it.”
“Wedid it,” I correct him.
His hair fall across his forehead, his chest heaving and my whole body aches for him. For this incredible man who always believed in me, who has been through so much and yet never lost his faith or his kindness or his compassion. Whose name I have actually cleared. People jostle around us and I feel such a rush of love for Noah, and a wild recklessness, to be who I really am, like Grayson said. I don’t need Phillips, Brace, and Horowitz anymore. I don’t need to be beholden to the life I thought I was meant to be living. I get to choose.
And I choose Noah.
I grab him by the lapels of his handmade Italian gray suit, that fits his frame so perfectly, and pull him toward me.
Our mouths crash against each other as Noah wraps his arms around me. A sudden cry of wolf whistles and “ooohs!” come from our well-wishers and cameras flash more intensely as reporters gasp at this public display.
When we pull apart, Noah is flushed and somehow smiling even wider.
“I wasn’t expecting that,” he murmurs in my ear.
“I’m tired of hiding,” I murmur back.
“Me too,” he says. Then his eyes widen. “But…Von, what about your job?”
“Fuck that job,” I say, grinning at him. “I’ve got a new plan.” Another idea strikes me. “And there’s something I want to run by you.” I glance behind him, at Caden, who is looking like he’s just been hit over the head with a two by four. “But we’ll talk later,” I say. “I think right now, Caden might need CPR.”
Noah whirls around. Isla is beaming.
“I knew it,” she says. “I knew there was something going on between you two!”
“You did?” Caden asks, dazed. “Noah, you…and Von…you…you two are…”
“I wanted to tell you,” Noah explains. “We couldn’t, with the trial going on.”
“W—when?” Caden stammers. “How?I don’t…You don’t even like each other!”
“He’ll get used to it,” Isla reassures me quietly. “I think he just needs a second.”
My father comes up to us and extends his hand. “Congratulations, young man.”
“Thank you, sir,” Noah says. “Thank you so much for the support.”
Dad turns to me. He takes a deep breath, then embraces me. I can’t remember the last time my father gave me a hug. “You were exceptional,” he whispers in my ear. “Your mother would havebeen so proud.” My throat tightens and he releases me. “I’m proud too,” he says.
“Thanks, Dad,” I say.
“Come on, guys,” Charlotte says, rushing over. “Jake’s throwing a party at the Screw. Drinks on the house. Let’s celebrate! And you two can tell me the whole story about when this,” she gestures up and down in our direction, “happened.” Her jaw drops. “Wait, is this why you looked so upset when you thought Noah and I were together?”
I laugh. “Maybe.”
Noah slips his hand into mine. “Ready?” he asks.
I beam. “Let’s go.”
We leave the courtroom, ignoring the reporters, encased in a bubble of friends and family, and I’ve never felt more a part of anything in my life.