“Well,” Jaz says. “If he gets too difficult, we can spend the evening at my place. Maybe it would be better that way. Give him time to cool down. Get used to the idea.”
“Yeah,” I say again, my stomach squirming. I tilt my head to look up at him. “I like the sound of staying at your place. Maybe I want Dec to be a stubborn prick about this after all.”
Jaz chuckles but I know he doesn’t believe me. Declan’s made progress to be sure, but I think there’s a huge difference between me starting a sanctuary and me dating Jaz. I’m not sure Declan’s blood pressure can handle both.
I don’t want to cause a rift between Dec and Jaz. And Dec and I only just made up. I’d rather not have another row with him. Especially because I am fully allowed to date whoever I damn well please.
I let out a big sigh.
“Hey,” Jaz says, squeezing me close. “No matter what happens, we’ll face it together.”
When we land at Heathrow and get our bags, we’re surprised to find Ernie waiting for us.
“Autumn hired me to come get you two,” he says, doffing his cap. “Had a good trip then?”
I don’t want to make a big show of me and Jaz in front of someone from Hart’s Crossing yet. We need to tell my family before the rest of the town starts jabbering about it.
“It was terrific, Ern,” I say as we follow him to the car. I make sure to keep some space between me and Jaz but his thoughts appear to be in line with mine. We keep our distance from each other, and I spend the drive telling Ernie about the competition and our subsequent trip to New York City. The nerves are making me chatty. The closer we get to Hart’s Crossing, the louder my pulse thuds in my temples. The three-hour drive seems to pass in a blink and soon, we’re pulling up to the redbrick farmhouse.
“Shall I take you home, Jaz?”
“Do you mind waiting for a minute Ern?” Jaz says, glancing over at me. “Escape plan,” he mutters. Good call. This way we can flee the premises as quickly as possible. My legs feel leaden as I get out of the car.
The whole family comes rushing to greet us—Autumn and Declan first, followed by Winter and Virgil, then finally Gran and Gramps. I look at Jaz. We’re a team now too—just like everyone else. I just wish our first obstacle wasn’t my own brother.
“Welcome home!” Autumn cries. Winter runs to throw her arms around me. She’s got blue hair now—last year it was pink.
“Congratulations on winning the Grand Prix,” she squeals.
“Thanks,” I say, my smile tight.
“How’d you like New York, Jaz?” she asks.
“It was quite the experience,” he says.
My heart is thumping. How do I do this? What do we say? I wonder if maybe we should wait until after dinner, when Declan’s had a few drinks and everyone is more relaxed.
“How was the flight, love?” Gran asks me.
“Jaz and I are together now,” I blurt out. There’s a collective gasp followed by a stunned silence. I don’t look at anyone except Declan. “I mean, like, he’s my boyfriend,” I explain. Dec’s mouth is tugged down into a frown, his brows knit together. I bristle. “And I don’t need you giving me any crap about it because I’m twenty fucking eight and I can date whoever I want and I want Jaz, so don’t get all—”
But I don’t get to finish telling him off because the next second, I’m swept up into a bone-crushing hug. “Oof,” I say as all the air leaves my lungs. “Dec…can’t…breathe…”
“You and Jaz?” he says, releasing me. “You andJaz?”
He’s smiling the biggest smile I think I’ve ever seen on his face. I have a sudden, wild thought that aliens have descended and replaced my brother with a pod-person. Of all the reactions I’d planned for, joy was not one of them.
“Er, yeah,” I say.
“This is fantastic!” Declan cries. “You and Jaz!”
Autumn looks at me and shrugs, just as bemused as I am.
“I always worried you’d meet someone from Stanley Law or worse, Durham,” Declan says with a shudder, like his sister dating someone from a city is the worst possible scenario. “I thought you’d run off and leave Oak Hill behind like Virgil.”
“I’m right here,” Virgil points out.
“But Jaz.” Declan grins at him. “This is fucking great!” He envelops Jaz in another bone-crusher hug.