“Come for me, baby,” he murmurs.
He tugs my panties down and kisses the tender skin above my mound. He pulls them down further and his tongue flicks across my clit and sending sparks across my vision. He licks me again, soft and sweet, caressing me with his tongue. I’m in a twisting, writhing agony of pleasure.
In one swift movement, my underwear is yanked off and his tongue slides against my entrance. I think I might faint. My legs tremble and my knees turn to water as he slips his tongue inside me. I grab fistfuls of comforter in my hands, struggling to keep myself together as the tension inside me builds. My breath comes in sharp pants, the room blurring at the edges.
Jaz devours me, licking at my sex and sending prickles across my skin. My thighs clench against his cheeks and my delicate muscles tighten. I feel myself starting to peak—like a tickle at the back of my throat, a flutter soft as a moth’s wings.
Then he slips a finger inside me, sucking the nub of my clit, and I explode. I let out an agonized wail that resonates through my body like an endless echo, a primal shout of pleasure.
It probably resonates down our entire floor but I don’t care. There is nothing for me in this moment but Jaz’s mouth and the sensations pulsing from my hot center. I feel the orgasm all the way from my eyebrows to my ankles. It takes me a moment to realize that it’s over. I slowly come back to earth. Opening my eyes, the world seems vivid bright, all the colors fresh and new. Jaz is still kneeling on the floor.
“That,” he murmurs, “was fucking incredible.”
I have no words—I only reach out to him, needing him inside me, needing to feel us fuse together as one. He understands, standing to shrug out of his jeans and boxers. I can’t help the way my eyes pop at the sight of his cock, so tall and hard and proud. He crawls over to loom on top of me and I reach down and take him in my hands.
“Fuck,” he gasps. I stroke him gently, reveling in the soft skin over taut muscle. I trace his ridge with the tip of my finger and his eyes roll back in his head.
“I want to be inside you,” he murmurs in my ear.
“Please,” I whimper. I’m still so wet, my body aching for him.
He hesitates. “I don’t have any condoms.”
“I’m on birth control,” I say quickly. “And tested. I mean, I haven’t slept with anyone in…a while.”
“Me neither,” Jaz says. I raise an eyebrow. “Oh, right.” He shakes his head. “We used protection. I’m okay if you’re—”
“I’m okay,” I say quickly, guiding his cock to my entrance. I rub the tip around my clit, teasing myself with him.
He groans. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Enjoying myself,” I say.
“Don’t stop,” he gasps as I rub harder, feeling that pulse of my clit start to thrum again. Then I angle him toward me and sink his cock inside me.
We both cry out, our bodies shaking. He feels so fucking perfect, like he was made for me. He pumps a slow rhythm, his mouth slanting over mine, his tongue sweeping into me as his cock thrusts deeper. I moan against his lips and he kisses down my neck, hitching my legs around his waist as his pitch increases. I feel the tightness begin to grow, feel my own rising pulse as he strokes the secret spot inside me.
I want more.
“Fuck me, Jaz,” I beg, as he bites my neck and plunges into me. “Harder!” I insist and he reacts, pummeling me with unabashed passion, making my tits bounce. He ducks his head to suck one in his mouth, his tongue swirling around my nipple and making me shriek. My body is a live wire, my muscles buzzing, and the crescendo builds again, the symphony of pleasure growing within me. Jaz hits every note, his cock dragging against my G spot as his fingers come to tease my clit again.
“Ah!” I cry as he strokes me, urgently, pleadingly. I grip his ass and feel him clench, feel his whole body like an arrow ready to spring.
“Cass,” he gasps, and his fingers tweak my clit just as his cock swells. We explode together, our orgasms ripping through us, our bodies shuddering in tandem. Jaz falls onto my chest, his face nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Our hearts hammer against each other, our bodies slick with sweat. I feel like all my bones have turned to jelly. I press my face against his hair, breathing in the scent of his curls.
Surely, it must be illegal to feel this happy. I don’t know how my body can contain it, how I haven’t exploded into a million particles of joy and been blown away on the wind.
After a moment, another sound drifts into my consciousness.
“The jacuzzi!” I cry. Jaz’s head pops up and he leaps off me to turn off the taps.
“Perfect timing,” he says, looking down at the full tub. The sight of him, olive skin glowing, abs rippling, sets me aching again. I think I could fuck Jaz all night and still not be satisfied.
He catches sight of my expression and grins.
“Come on,” he says. “Jacuzzi first. But I’m not done with you yet.”
I giggle as a thrill runs through me.