Page 82 of Growing Into Love

“Thanks,” I say beaming.

“I hope you enjoy your last night with us to the fullest,” she says. “Especially since there aren’t any more rules you need to follow.”

I think she gives me the barest hint of a wink. Good old Betty. Bet our telly lie didn’t fool her for a second.

I grin as Autumn says, “What rules?”

“I’ll tell you later,” I say as we head to the restaurant. I lower my voice. “Hey, how come you didn’t text me back?”

“Oh, sorry,” Autumn says. “Um…”

“Champagne for the table!” Gramps is declaring. “My god, Cassandra, you should have seen yourself today.”

“Don’t worry, I got it all on video,” Autumn says.

“You looked so much like your Mum,” Gran says. Then she purses her lips as Declan flinches. I square my shoulders and touch the studs at my ears again.

“Hey, Gran, could you tell me some stories about Mum when I get back home?” I ask.

Gramps’ eyes widen and Declan looks up from his menu, surprised. A soft smile spreads across Gran’s face.

“Of course, love,” she says.

“I know I look a lot like her,” I say. “But I’d like to know a bit more about who she was.”

Gran puts her hand on mine and gives it a squeeze.

“I can tell you all the stories you want,” she promises. “I’ve got loads.”

“I’m so lucky,” I say, looking around at everyone. “I’ve got the best family a girl could ask for.”

The waiter pours out the champagne, but to my surprise, Autumn covers her glass with her hand. “None for me thanks,” she says. “So, um, speaking of family…” She and Declan look at each other. “We have some news.”

Declan looks at her with hearts in his eyes. “Go on, you tell them,” he says, grinning.

Autumn beams at us. “I’m pregnant,” she says.

I shriek so loud I frighten the table next to us. “What?” I cry gleefully.

“Oh, Autumn,” Gran gasps.

Gramps has started crying again.

“Isn’t this the best day for our family,” he says.

I run around the table to wrap Autumn tight in a hug. “Congratulations!”

“Thank you,” she says, squeezing me hard.

“I can’t believe it,” I say. “I’m going to be an aunt!”

We jump up and down and hug each other again.

“Congratulations, mate,” Jaz says to Declan, thumping him on the back.

Gramps raises his glass of champagne. “To family,” he declares.

“To family,” we all echo and drink.