Page 28 of Growing Into Love

“Does that work?”

“She hasn’t beaten Nigella yet,” Del says. “But she always places top three.”

“She can’t place top three this time” I say vehemently. “She’s got to win.”

No matter what Declan wants, I’ll do whatever I can to help Cass win the Grand Prix.

“That’s the spirit,” Del says. “You’ve known her longer than I have. If you’ve got any ideas on how to crack her crisis of confidence, I’m all ears.”

“I’ll let you know if inspiration strikes,” I say.

“Great. And hey, Jaz?”


“I really appreciate you dropping everything to be there with her. You’re a good man.”

“Oh.” The back of my neck goes hot. “Sure, no problem.”

I hang up and head upstairs to my room to pack. My head feels like it’s swarming with bees. There’s too much happening, too much to think about.

My phone buzzes again and I groan. I need a minute without anyone talking to me. But Cass’s name sends a burst of adrenaline through me. I pick up the phone cautiously, like it might bite.

Hey Jaz, here’s the flight info. Autumn hired a car to drive me to Heathrow, we can pick you up on the way?

My heart seems to be beating over my entire body in giant pulses that make my vision blur. There’s her sext from the other night, and there’s her perfectly normal, perfunctory notice of flight times, the two texts side by side like a bizarre set of twins. It takes me far too long to respond and when I do, I’m utterly boring.

Cheers, that would be great!

I debated about the exclamation point for nearly a full minute. Immediately, three dots appear. I sink down onto the edge of my bed and wait.

Cool, see you then.

Cool,I write back then cringe. I sound like an idiot. Or a wanker. Or a parrot.

I’m an idiot-wanker-parrot.

I heave a great sigh and keep packing. I’ll have to make a list for Clive, important numbers, appointments I’ve made, emergency contacts, inventory lists…

And all the while knowing that in a matter of hours, I’ll be on a plane with Cass.

It’s going to be a long night.



“Ernie’s here!”Autumn calls to me.

“Coming!” I shout back. I drag my bag out of my room to find Declan waiting for me in the hall.

“Need a hand?” he asks.

I glower at him.

“I’m only trying to help,” Declan says. “I…” His eyes dart around furtively like he’ll find the proper apology hiding in the banister.

“Fine,” I say, pushing my suitcase toward him. Gran is in the kitchen with tears in her eyes.