“Look,” Declan says once Blair heads off to serve another customer. “You’ll be great over there. There’s no one more levelheaded in all of England.”
“Thanks,” I say dryly. He doesn’t know about Theresa. Or Cass’s sext. The last thing I feel right now is levelheaded.
“But I need a favor,” Declan says.
“Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like what you’re about to say?”
Declan clenches his jaw. “You’ve got to talk her out of this whole sanctuary idea. She listens to you.”
“Cass doesn’t listen to anyone,” I say.
“She listens to you more than me.”
“Okay, fair point.”
Declan rubs his forehead. “It’s just…not the right time.”
“Dec, this is a fight between you and her. I’m not getting involved. What have you got against this sanctuary anyway?”
Declan hesitates. “Autumn and I are trying to have a baby.”
“What?” I yelp.
“She’s not pregnant yet,” Declan says quickly. “We don’t know how long it will take, of course. But being a father means extra work for everyone else, Cass included. I’m going to need her help. I’m going to have to rely on her. And if her head is in this sanctuary…she doesn’t understand how much preparation will go into it. How time consuming it will be.”
“She’s worked at Oak Hill her whole life,” I say. “She knows how time consuming animals are.”
“Yes, but I’ll need her full steam at Oak Hill.”
“So, you want me to convince her to give up her dream so you can get more free labor out of her.”
“No, I…” Declan struggles to come up with an excuse. “I wouldn’t frame it like that. I’ll need extra help. She’s a Wright.”
“Virgil’s a Wright too.”
“Yeah, I’ll go ask Virgil to grab his Wellys and muck the stalls,” Declan says dryly. “I’m sure he’d love to come up from London and shovel shit.”
“Why don’t you just tell Cass that you’re trying for a baby?” I ask.
“We don’t want to talk about it until there’s something to talk about,” Declan says. “Autumn’s been very clear on that. She doesn’t want anyone to know until…you know.”
“She gets pregnant?” I supply. “Jesus Declan, you deal with pregnancy every lambing season.”
“Autumn’s not a sheep, Jaz.”
“I know. Sorry.” It hits me then and a huge smile spreads across my face for the first time all day. “Wow. Declan. You’re going to be a dad!”
“Keep your voice down,” he hisses.
“This is brilliant,” I say, grinning. “You and Autumn will be terrific parents. May and Charles will be pleased as punch. Can I be Uncle Jaz? I know we’re not technically related but—”
“Of course you can be Uncle Jaz,” Declan snaps.
I catch his mood. “What’s wrong? This is agoodthing.”
Declan looks down hopelessly into his pint glass. “What if I’m a terrible dad?”
“What?” I say. “No. Declan, that isn’t possible. You’ll make a great dad. Look at what you’ve done with Cass.”