“You do need looking after,” Declan says.
Cass’s eyes fly wide open. “That right there is the whole fucking problem,” she snarls. “You don’t see me as an equal, Dec. You don’t see me as capable.”
Declan finally seems to understand the bog he’s stepped in. “No, Cass—I didn’t mean—”
“Yes, you did. You meant exactly that. You don’t think I can win, do you?” The idea deflates her for a moment. “You don’t think I can win at the Classic. That’s why you agreed to the sanctuary.”
“No, I…” Declan’s voice trails off.
“Oh Declan,” May murmurs.
Declan gets his bluster back. “Horses are damned expensive,” he insists. “A sanctuary is too much to take on. You don’t know what you’d be getting yourself into.”
“What are youtalking about?” Cass shrieks. “I’ve taken care of Gal for years! I know more about horses than you do!”
“I’m only trying to look out for you.”
Cass leaps to her feet. “I don’t need you to look out for me! I can look out for myself. And I’m not asking your permission to start a sanctuary. This property is as much mine as it is yours, no matter whose name is on the deed. Isn’t that right, Gramps?”
She whirls on Charles, who wears a slightly bemused expression.
“When your name was on the deed after Dad died, you didn’t hold it over Dec, did you?” Cass demands.
“No, of course not, love,” Charles says.
“Do you think we should have a sanctuary on the farm?” Declan says to his grandfather. “Do you think Cass should be able to turn up with any old traumatized horse and let it run rampant on our property?”
Clive is watching this exchange with his mouth slightly open. Autumn clears her throat.
“Hey guys, maybe we—”
“Not one of you believes in me,” Cass says, her eyes brimming with tears. “I’m going to win that competition and start my sanctuary and Naturally Sweet is staying put at Oak Hill. I won’t let him be euthanized or sent to slaughter.” She’s fuming again and it’s unnerving how gorgeous she is when she’s angry.
“Now wait just a minute, young lady,” May says. “We all believe in you. Don’t go saying a thing like that.”
“I’m not a young lady, Gran!” Cass cries. “I’m a grownup. I’m an adult.” She whirls on Declan again. “And Naturally Sweet is not running rampant, he’s in the fucking barn.”
“You can’t unilaterally make decisions for this farm,” Declan says.
“You make unilateral decisions all the time,” Cass insists.
“It’s mine too!”
Suddenly, Cass’s phone rings. She snatches it up.
“What?” she snarls. Instantly her face changes. “Oh god, Del, I’m so sorry, I didn’t…how are you?” Her eyes widen. “A femoral shaft fracture?”
Oh no. That means she broke her thigh bone. It’s a very serious injury.
“Surgery?” Cass yelps. Her tears finally spill over, leaving glistening tracks down her cheeks. “But…Windy Acres…”
Delilah says a few more things that make Cass shake her head. She sinks back down onto her seat. “No, of course, I understand. I’m sure I can find…it’s all right, Del, please don’t worry about me. You’ve got to take care of yourself. Gal and I will be fine…okay…well, that’s good news. Maybe I can go alone.” There’s some frantic shouting on the other end of the phone. “Right, of course, I’ll find someone. I’ll keep you posted. Seriously, Del, get some rest.”
She hangs up, stunned. “Delilah broke her thigh bone. She’s going into surgery.”
“See, that horse—” Declan begins but Autumn puts her hand firmly on his shoulder and gives him a shut-the-hell-up look.