Page 118 of Growing Into Love

“Okay,” the nurse says with a chuckle. “And…oh, there, see? It’s a boy.”

I don’t see. I have no idea what she’s pointing at—it all looks like weird shapes to me. But I don’t care.

My world has begun to shift. Pieces start falling into place, clicking together like that old game Tetris.

Baby is a boy.

I feel a rush of heat flood into my chest, filling up my throat and making my eyes prickle.

“A boy,” Theresa says with hushed reverence, like we’re in church.

“A boy,” I echo in the same tone. Then we both start laughing and I hug her, a sense of peace coming over me.

“We’re going to be mums,” Theresa whispers.

And for the first time, I believe it. I see myself not as the cool aunt, but as a mum to Baby. A bonus mum.

Just as I think it, something nudges against me.

“Gah!” I cry, releasing her. “Oh no, what did I do, did I—”

“Cass, it’s fine,” Theresa says. “He’s stretching is all.”

My eyes pop. Theresa takes my hand and puts it against the side of her stomach. A moment later, I feel something press against my palm.

“Gah!” I cry again. It’s weird. And wonderful.

“That’s his foot,” Theresa says.

“Does it hurt?”

“Not really,” she says. “It mostly feels strange. But in a good way.”

“I’ll leave you and your wife alone,” the nurse says with a wink to Theresa, as she gets up and heads out of the exam room.

Theresa and I stare at each other, our mouths hanging open.

“My wife?” Theresa says and then we’re both laughing again.

“Theresa!” We hear Craig’s voice from down the hall and then he bursts into the room, his face panicked.

“I’m okay, love,” she says. I get up so he can be by her side. “Cass took very good care of me.”

“What happened?” he asks, looking between us.

“Low blood sugar,” I say.

“Theresa, darling, you know you’ve got to eat.”

“I know,” she says. “But Craig, look.”

She picks up the wand and puts it on her belly again. “We’re having a boy,” she says.

Craig stares at the imagine, slack jawed. “A boy,” he murmurs. I see it in his eyes too, the same thing that clicked in me.

I see that Autumn has been right all along. This baby is so lucky. He’s going to be loved by so many people.

I leave hospital, telling Theresa I’ll check in with her later. Jaz calls as I’m heading back to Hart’s Crossing.