Page 113 of Growing Into Love

“Really?” I glance at the rods in her hand. “No, Cass, you should stay here and finish. Theresa can wait.”

Cass drops the rest of the rods on the ground. “It’s all right,” she says. “I can finish later. Theresa needs to be eating.”

She smiles at me but there’s a tightness behind it.

Autumn is coming out of May’s greenhouse when Cass and I get to my car.

“Hi Jaz!” she calls, waving to me, the big swell of her belly popping out from under her dress. It’s quite crazy that Autumn and Theresa are basically on the same trajectory. Their due dates are only two weeks apart. I wave then grab the bottle of pills from my glove compartment and hand them to Cass.

“Have I told you that you’re the best girlfriend ever?” I say to her. It’s one of our favorite little games and it gets a genuine smile out of her.

“You have not,” she says.

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in for a kiss. “You’re the best girlfriend ever,” I murmur. She grabs the pill bottle.

“Go help Godiva,” she says.

But she looks sad as I get in my car and drive away.

I race to Mrs. Pritz’s and head inside with my bag. I quickly realize that Godiva got into some chocolate biscuits, so I induce vomiting and administer a dose of activated charcoal. I promise Mrs. Pritz she’ll be feeling better by morning but don’t hesitate to reach out if her condition worsens.

“You’re an absolute peach, Jasar,” Mrs. Pritz says. “And you know, the whole town is thrilled for you and Cass. I knew you would make a perfect pair.”

“You did indeed, Mrs. Pritz. I should have listened to you earlier.”

I have a couple other calls to make at various farms, then I head back to my office to take care of some paperwork. I’m just finishing up when my phone pings with a text from Declan.

Fancy a pint at the Stag?

Be there in ten, I reply.

Dec’s already got a pint waiting for me when I get to the pub.

“Cheers,” I say.

“How’s Godiva?” Declan asks. “Cass said she was sick? She told me when she got back from taking those pills to Theresa.”

“Godiva is fine. It was a case of unattended chocolate biscuits.”

I hope Cass got to finish her fence line. I really appreciate her taking the time to bring the meds to Theresa.

“I saw Autumn at the house,” I tell Dec. “She looks great.”

“She does, doesn’t she?” Declan says. “Is it weird I want her more now that she’s pregnant? In, you know, that way.”

“Yes, Declan, I did understand you were referring to sex,” I say with a chuckle. “And no, it’s not weird, it’s nature’s way of connecting you with your baby so you won’t abandon it in the wilds once it’s born.”

“I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl,” he says. “Autumn thinks boy but I’m not so sure.”

“Do you have a preference?” I ask.

“Not really.” He cocks his head. “Well, I suppose I’d like to have a son. What about you?”

“I just want a healthy baby.”

Declan grins. “Classic Jaz.” He raises his glass and we clink. “Here’s to being dads together,” he says.

“Yeah,” I agree.