Page 48 of Growing Into Love

I grab the glass of champagne and glug it down. Then I pour myself another. My jeans feel uncomfortably tight. I’ll just sit at the table and wait politely for her to finish. I don’t know which side of the bed she’ll want.

What sort of nightclothes does Cass sleep in I wonder? My mind fills with images of red silk and black lace. Though I know it’s not her style at all, I picture Cass coming out of the bathroom in a skimpy negligee.

My cock throbs and I try to force my mind to other matters.

I sip my champagne and wait anxiously.



This bath is amazing.

I sing to myself as I soak in the luxurious bubbles, the tension of today melting away. Autumn was right. This is a week forme.I’m feeling utterly relaxed. I can’t wait to slip beneath the covers on that bed and sleep. I sleep rather like a starfish—that’s what happens when you’ve got long legs. They must be stretched. And the bed looks perfect for stretching out in.

Then tomorrow, I’ll be back to training. It will be good to get jumping again.

I wonder if Nigella has arrived yet.

No, I don’t want to think about Nigella right now. I want to float in this bubble bath and let the water ripple over my bare skin. It creates delicious patterns over my thighs and stomach, and I can’t help myself as I let my hand wander down to my sex. I stroke myself gently at first, recalling the pressure of Jaz’s hand on my knee. I imagine him sliding that hand up my thigh, and tendrils of water make me shiver. I press harder against my sex, finding the little bud of my clit and gasping. I picture Jaz’s mouth on me, his tongue circling that bud as he laps at my wetness. My back arches as I think of him sliding a finger inside me—I slide one in now, gasping as I press against my clit with the heel of my hand. I picture Jaz’s bare chest, all lean, sculpted muscle rubbing against my breasts as he slides his cock into me. I give a little groan and chase the sensations building, the tiny sparkles of heat that flare beneath my insistent strokes. I rub my clit hard, ready for the sweet release, imaging the length of Jaz’s cock penetrating me, getting deeper with each thrust, filling me up like no one ever has before.

The tingling gets stronger, sharper, and I feel myself on the brink, feel the delicate edge of pleasure opening wide and as I hit just the right spot, I plunge my finger back inside me as I come, the rippling, shuddering climax pounding over my skin in waves. I lean back against the tub, my clit throbbing like a tiny pulse point as my orgasm fades. My skin is flushed and dewy and I peel my eyes open and smile lazily at the ceiling. For a few moments, I drift in a heightened state of pleasure, my mind blank, my skin tingling.

Then I let out a huge yawn. Time for sleep.

I drain the tub then rinse myself off in the shower. I grab a towel and notice it’s rather small, barely covering my bottom. It’s quite plush though. I wrap it around me and start hummingUnder the Seaagain. I wrap my hair up in another tiny towel and then remember I left my toiletries in my bag.

I dance my way to the door and open it to find a shadowy figure sitting at the table.

“Gah!” I scream.



“Gah!”I scream back, leaping to my feet.

“What are you doing here?” Cass demands.

My pulse pounds in my temples, my face hot. She’s wearing the smallest towel I’ve ever seen—her shapely legs seem to go on for ages, her ass barely covered. Her breasts are pushed together, plump rounds poking up over the top of the white terrycloth. My mouth starts to water and my cock aches. I don’t know where to look. Everywhere is legs or breasts or skin.

“Jaz,” she demands.

“No room!” I shout.

“I thought Betty said—”

“She called while you were in the bath,” I say, remembering how to speak in complete sentences. “I have to stay here for the night.”

“Oh,” Cass says, her eyes going wide.

“Yeah,” I say. My eyes flit to her breasts again. When did she become so gorgeous? Now that I see her this way, I can’t unsee her. How come it took me so long? And I’ve missed my chance because of a dentist from Stanley Law. I turn away and gesture to the bed. “Thought I’d let you pick a side first, seeing as it’s your room and all.”

“Okay,” Cass says. She walks toward her luggage and glances behind at me. I realize she needs to bend down—that towel is not going to leave anything to the imagination.

I turn away and open my own bag. I hear her rummaging around and force myself not to look. I grab my toiletry bag and say, “I’ll just brush my teeth.”

“Right,” Cass says.