Page 23 of Growing Into Love

I laugh. “You say that like it’s not wired into her DNA.”

“I’m not as stubborn as that.”

I shoot him a look.

He huffs. “She doesn’t understand what it would take to run a sanctuary. We’d need to hire more staff. She wouldn’t have as much time for her Oak Hill duties. What if one of her damaged horses hurt another animal? Or someone on the tours?”

Blair puts the beers in front of us and I take a long drink. Declan doesn’t seem to need my input to keep complaining and it’s best to wait until he gets it all out.

“Don’t know why she thinks I don’t believe in her,” he grumbles. “Of course I do. But she was never the one looking at the books every night when the farm was in trouble. She didn’t have the weight of all that stress on her shoulders. I know Autumn has changed the fate of Oak Hill, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry about us going under. I can still feel Dad’s ghost watching me, you know? He would never have allowed a sanctuary on the property.”

“I don’t know Dec,” I say, drinking my beer. “Your dad wasn’t always right about everything.”

Declan purses his lips. “Okay, that’s fair, but Jaz, come on. Tell me you agree with me on this.”

I’m only half focused, still wondering about the bloke Cass is sexting.

“Is she dating someone?” I ask.

Declan frowns. “Huh? Who?”

“Cass,” I say flustered.

“What?” Declan splutters. “Cass…dating…who?”

“I don’t know,” I cry. “She—maybe—you—something…” Conversation Cat grabs my throat and I take a deep breath to find the words. “That’s why I was asking you! Maybe there’s been something else going on in her life. Something she hasn’t told you about.”

“Oh.” Declan drinks his beer in silence. “I don’t think so. I’ll talk to Autumn, she’d know better than me. Why’d you ask that?”

I shrug. “People change when they’re in love.”

“Cass is in love?” Declan yelps.

Christ, this is all going so wrong.

“No, I don’t know, I was just spitballing,” I say.

“Jesus, Jaz, you’re giving me a heart attack. Spitball about something else.”

“Cass can date, Declan,” I remind him.

“Sure,” Declan says. “I know.” He shifts uncomfortably on the stool and glowers at Tom, Nigel, and Parv, the Stag’s infamous regulars in their usual seats at the far end of the bar.

“Thanks for offering to go with her, by the way,” he says.

“Sure, sure,” I say. I haven’t really processed the fact that I’ll be leaving tomorrow.

I finish my pint and signal Blair for another.

Declan raises an eyebrow. “Steady on, mate,” he says.

“I just signed up to leave my business and travel to a whole new country for a week,” I snap. “I need a fucking drink, okay?”

“Right,” Declan says. He chugs the rest of his beer and Blair brings us another round.

“Everything all right lads?” she asks warily.

“Fine,” I say.