“You needed a fence,” he says, walking toward me. “So we built one for you.” He hands me the daisy.
“But—but how?”
“We all did it together,” Jaz says, gesturing at my family.
“Virgil built a fence?” I ask, shocked.
Virgil laughs. “I did as I was instructed,” he says, holding up his hands.
“But…who paid for this?” I ask.
“It’s a gift from me, Theresa, and Craig,” Jaz tells me. “We pooled our assets.” He brushes a lock of hair from my eyes. “You deserve this, love.”
My throat swells up so tight, it’s hard to breathe.
“I got the crew to work overtime on the barn for the past two days,” Autumn says.
My eyes pop and I whirl around on Jaz. “This is what you’ve been doing the last two days?” I cry. “You told me you were in the Dales.”
Jaz’s eyes twinkle. “I hope you’ll forgive the white lie. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“I’m definitely surprised,” I assure him. I look to Winter and Virgil. “How did no one in Hart’s Crossing tell me you two were in town?”
“We’re very good at being sneaky,” Winter says, giving my brother a wry look.
“And I threatened to pummel Nigel if he spilled the beans,” Virgil says.
I fly over to throw my arms around him, laughing and crying all at once. My sanctuary is built. It’s real. I can’t believe it. Then I’m hugging Winter and Autumn, and Dec, but when I turn to hug Gran, I see Jaz kneeling down in front of me.
The world starts to spin as he takes a small, velvet box out of his pocket.
“Jaz,” I gasp.
“Hold on, let me get through this,” Jaz says. “You know how I am with words.” He takes a long, slow breath. “Cassandra Wright, you are the most incredible woman I’ve ever known. You’re stubborn and rash and kind and loyal and funny and brave. And if you hadn’t knocked some sense into me with that text, I might have missed this chance forever.”
“What text?” Declan whispers. Autumn shushes him.
Jaz opens the box and a small gold ring glints in the light, a pretty green stone set in its center. “I love you, Cass. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
I stare at the ring, the center of my universe shifting for the second time today. I’m quiet for so long Jaz starts to look nervous.
I fall to my knees and fling my arms around him. “Yes, you idiot, of course I’ll marry you!”
“Whew,” he says, chuckling softly in my ear as my family cheers around us.
He takes the ring and slips it onto my finger, where it glows against my skin.
“It was my grandmother’s,” he says.
My chest constricts as I look at the man I have desired for so long.
“I love you,” I whisper.
“I love you,” he whispers back.
“Oh, this is so perfect!” Autumn cries, bursting into tears.
Declan smiles softly and kisses her temple. Jaz and I get to our feet and are immediately engulfed in more hugs. Gran whispers in my ear, “Your mum would be so happy.”