“Cass, I got your message, is everything okay? Is the baby—”
“Everyone is fine,” I reassure him. “Theresa had low blood sugar, but it’s sorted now. She’s with Craig. And hey, guess what—Baby is a boy!”
There’s a moment of stunned silence. “A boy?” Jaz gasps. Then he lets out a whoop. “We’re having a boy!”
“We are,” I say, laughing. I tell him about the app Theresa found.
“Christ, that’s brilliant,” Jaz says. “I should have thought of that myself. I’m sorry, Cass. You’ve been there for all of us, but your dreams are important too. And you need the time and space to achieve them.”
I’m still buoyant from the realization that I love this little boy—that I get to be his bonus mum. “I can’t wait to see you later.”
I can hear the smile in his voice. “Don’t be late.”
“I won’t.”
“Er, don’t be early either.”
“Huh?” I say. That’s oddly specific. “Okay. Seven pm at the inn, right?”
“Did you run it by Virgil?” I joke. Virgil is in London, but I bet he has some sort of sixth sense about his precious inn. “He’s so protective of that place.”
I hear the sound of something crashing in the background.
“Sorry, I’ve got to run, Highland on the loose, see you later!”
I spend the rest of my day successfully getting supplies and meeting the old brood mare. Her name is Belle and I know that she’ll fit right in with Nate and Gal. I reschedule the interview with the groom and by the time I drive back to Oak Hill, I’m practically buzzing.
Like the sun breaking through the clouds, I see my new future in sparkling clarity. I see a baby boy, swaddled in Jaz’s arms. I see a little kid, excitedly feeding the lambs. I see first day of school photos and riding lessons and snuggles in bed with a picture book in hand. I feel the warm weight of him on my lap.
Baby is real. And I can’t wait to meet him.
I take a quick shower and throw on a pair of jeans and the same navy V-neck I wore back at the Classic when I wanted to impress Jaz with my cleavage. I even blow dry my hair—Winter would be proud. I feel a tingle of excitement as I head to the inn.
The grounds of the farm are strangely quiet. I wonder where everyone is. Not even Lola is padding around sniffing at the honeysuckle. I get to the inn, and I’m surprised to see a little note stuck to the door.
Follow the flowers,it says in Jaz’s handwriting.
“Huh?” I wonder aloud. Then I notice the oxeye daisy on the ground at my feet. There’s another one off to my left, and another behind that. I follow the trail of daisies and suddenly Lola is running up to me, tail wagging.
“Hey girl,” I say, scratching her behind her ears. “What are you doing all the way out here?”
She pads along at my side as we take the little lane, covered in flowers, that I know only leads to one place—Sarah’s Sanctuary.
Suddenly, I see it. The barn. It’s got all four walls, a set of enormous doors,anda finished roof. Lanterns hang in the windows and my entire family is gathered in front of it—Autumn and Declan beam at me, Gramps has his arm around Gran, and even Winter and Virgil are here. Lola barks happily and runs to Declan’s side.
“What—” I look around in shock.
My fence. My fence that didn’t exist. It’s here. It’s built.
Fairy lights wind around the fencepoles giving the evening air a sense of magic.
From the center of the cluster of my family, Jaz steps forward, holding a single, solitary daisy.
“Surprise,” he says.
I’ve completely lost the power of speech. I just stare at him dumbly.