Page 108 of Growing Into Love

I feel a sudden rush of love for Cass, being so accepting and open to this crazy situation.

“I love you so much,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

“You better,” she teases.

“It’s not fair, really.”

“What’s not fair?”

“That it took me so long to see you this way,” I say quietly. “We could have already had so much more time together.”

“I’m just glad you finally came round at all,” Cass says. Her hand moves down from the nape of my neck, over my bicep to my thigh. She squeezes my leg and gives me a look that kicks my pulse up a notch.

“Right,” I say. “We’re going back to my place.”

“Why, Doctor Taylor-Wexhall,” Cass says, fanning herself. “Are you coming onto me?”

“You know I love when you call me doctor.”

She laughs. But then, my phone rings.

It’s Clive. I put him on speaker.

“Hey Clive,” I say.

“Hi Jaz,” Clive says. “Sorry, I know you’re out for the afternoon—”

“We’re just heading back to Hart’s Crossing, actually.”

“Oh, that’s great news,” Clive says. “I’m at Stephen O’Donnell’s farm doing immunizations and Vik Lewis just called. He thinks his horse has colic.”

“Shit,” I say. “I’ll head over straightaway.”

“Cheers,” Clive says. “Sorry to bother.”

“It’s no trouble. Thanks for taking care of those immunizations.”

I hang up and look to Cass. I catch a glimpse of disappointment on her face before she hitches up a smile.

“Drop me in the square,” she says. “Autumn’s at Winter’s salon. I’ll ride back to Oak Hill with her.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “I’m sorry, Cass, I—”

“It’s fine,” she says firmly. “I know what your job is like. I’ve got to confirm about the builders with Autumn anyway.”

“Okay. Come over later?” I ask her.

“Of course.” Then her eyes sparkle. “I’ll need a checkup, Doctor.”

I laugh. “I’ll give you a thorough examination.”

She grins and leans her head against my shoulder.



Jaz dropsme off in the town square and I head to the salon.