Page 105 of Growing Into Love

“Oh,” Theresa says. Then she smiles. “Well, I’m certainly both those things.”

“What am I?” I ask.

“Sagittarius,” Cass says promptly.

I’m surprised and touched that she knows this. “What does that mean?”

“You’re honest, optimistic, and kind. And you love animals.”

“Don’t think I needed a star sign to tell me that,” I say.

“All right, enough about astrology,” Theresa says. “The last major thing on my list is names.”

My heart lifts. I’ve been thinking about this almost nonstop once it finally hit me that I’m really going to be a father.

“I’ve got some ideas,” I say eagerly.

“Actually, Jaz,” Theresa says. “I want to name the baby.”

I frown. “That doesn’t seem fair.”

“It’s my child.”

“It’s mine too.”

Theresa shoots me her most exasperated look, the one she uses for particularly stubborn students. “This isn’t open for discussion, Jaz.”

“I’m sorry, so you and Craig are picking a name and Cass and I are left out of it?”

“I don’t care about the name,” Cass pipes up.

“I’m not a part of it either, mate,” Craig says. “Theresa’s been insistent. It’s up to her and her alone.”

“And you’re okay with that?” I ask.

“Jaz,” Cass says, interrupting. “It’s her body. She’s the one growing this kid. She’s the one doing all the work. Let it go, okay?”

Theresa shoots Cass a grateful look. I still feel irritated.

“I don’t know about you all,” Cass says, “but I could really use a drink.”

Craig stands immediately. “An excellent idea, Cass. What do you fancy? Wine? Beer? G&T?”

“God, I would kill for a G&T,” Theresa moans. Craig pats her shoulder.

“Wine would be great,” Cass says.

Craig looks at me. “Jaz? Beer?”

“Sure,” I say. “I’ll come help.”

I need a moment away from Theresa. It seems spectacularly unfair to me that she would take full control over something so important. The kitchen is snug, with a little table and a shelf for pots and pans. Craig grabs two bottles of beer from the fridge and cracks them open, handing one to me.

“Never thought I’d meet you,” he says. “The man Theresa kept running back to.”

“Funny,” I say. “I thought the same about you.” We both take a long drink. “Can I ask you something?”
