“I did,” he says.
“Great, let’s get down to business.” She sits down and pulls out her phone. “I’ve made some notes already.”
“Theresa is a big fan of notes,” Craig says to Cass with a wink.
“I like to be organized,” Theresa says.
“It’s the Econ professor in her,” Craig says. “Everything’s got to be in order. I’m shocked she hasn’t made a spreadsheet yet.”
“I’m working on one,” Theresa says, with a dismissive wave of her hand. “It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”
“Theresa is also a big fan of quotes,” Craig says. “Let me see if I can guess this one…” He cocks his head. “Napoleon?”
Theresa laughs. “Not even close.”
“Dickens?” I offer. I’m familiar with Theresa’s use of quotes as well.
She shakes her head. “Eleanor Roosevelt.”
Cass looks impressed.
“It’s good to make sure we’re all on the same page and have access to the same information,” Theresa says. “So, we’ll only be about fifteen minutes from Hart’s Crossing. If we’re going to be sharing custody, this will be easier than going back and forth from York.”
“Are we meant to be involving lawyers?” I ask. “How are we doing this?”
“We’d rather not get lawyers involved if we don’t have to,” Theresa says, taking a sip of tea. “We want to do what’s in this child’s best interest. We were thinking equal custody, a fifty-fifty split.”
“Yes,” I say. “That works for us.”
“We’ve already found a doctor in the area,” Theresa says. “She was very highly rated. I’ll keep you posted on all my appointments and such.”
“Okay,” I say. It feels like everything has changed yet nothing has happened. Theresa looks like the same Theresa I slept with all those weeks ago. Her body hasn’t begun to shift. “How far along are you?” I ask.
“Six weeks,” she says, touching her stomach. “I’m due January Fourteenth.”
“Capricorn,” Cass says.
“Sorry?” Theresa says.
“The baby will be a Capricorn,” Cass says.
“Is that…is that a good thing?” Theresa asks, looking hopeful.
“Oh, absolutely,” Cass says. “Capricorns are practical and self-reliant.”
“Well, that’s good news,” Craig says. “We wouldn’t want a Scorpio now, would we?”
Cass laughs at this.
“I didn’t know you were into astrology,” I say to her.
“I’m not,” she says. “Zara is and she talks about it endlessly.”
“Hey,” Theresa says, looking to Craig with a frown. “I’ma Scorpio.”
“Indeed you are, darling,” he says, patting her knee.
Cass chuckles. “Yeah, you’redefinitelya Scorpio. It’s not bad,” she adds. “It means you’re assertive. And determined.”