I wipe the water from my mouth with the back of my hand and stare at a very frazzled—yet highly attractive—female standing in my living room with a face redder than my hockey jersey. My smirk deepens, and her lips part with a sweet gasp.
“Hello? Did you drop me? Are you hearing anything I’m saying?” The person on the phone sighs loudly. “It’s as ifyou’rethe one in shock from telling me that you can’t orgas?—”
The girl scrambles to her knees in a rush and pushes end on the call at least fifteen times to silence her friend. I roll my lips together to keep myself from laughing at her expense and stare at her down below, on her knees.
Mmm,what a nice sight.
“Bro, I forgot to tell?—”
I turn and face Hayes walking out of his bedroom, heading in my direction.
It all happens in slow motion. His haughty walk, the eye contact, and thenboom.Down he goes, landing in the water that showered from my mouth because of the chick on the floor, whois currently drowning in her own embarrassment. It’s kind of cute.
“What the fuck is on the floor?” Hayes growls.
I chuckle. “Besides you two? Water.”
My roommate rises to his feet and swings his attention to the girl who is unmoving. “I thought you weren’t coming until later?”
“And I thought you had practice.” Her tone is snippy to say the least.
She’s feisty, and hot.
Is this his girlfriend? Shouldn’t he, like, help her up?
I would, but that would be crossing a line.
Instead of intervening, I round the counter and pour myself some more water. Thanks to Hayes, he mopped up the mess on the floor.
“Practice got pushed.” he finally answers. “Why are you on the floor?”
I flick my eyes past the rim of my cup and watch the hottie shrug nonchalantly. “No reason. I prefer the ground.”
I laugh and it echoes in my glass. Hayes ignores me but she doesn’t. I catch her eye for a split second before she quickly looks away.
“Well good, ‘cause that’s where you’ll be sleeping.” Hayes says.
“Bro, what?” I can’t help myself. “You’re gonna make your girlfriend sleep on the floor?” What is his problem?
By the look of utter disgust on his face, I am fully aware that I’ve read the situation wrong. If she isn’t his girlfriend, then who?—
“Ew!” she shrieks, jumping to her feet.
Hayes pinches the bridge of his nose. “She’s my sister, you sick fuck.”
Sister?Oh shit.
“Thisis Hannah Banana?” My gaze sharpens on her.
Fuck me. She’s…not what I expected. Hayes showed us her picture once. He didn’t tell us that it was takenatleastten years ago.
I put my attention back to him. “I thought she was your younger sister.”
“She is.” he says.