Our agreement is simple. I teach her some basic skills in the bedroom, and she goes on a date with Reign, or whoever else she wants, with a little more confidence. If I need a favor, she’ll cash it in. That’s it. There is nothing else about it.
But tell me why it feels wrong to go to a party instead of staying at home with her?
It’s late when the door opens.
I haven’t been asleep long, but I’m groggy enough to keep my eyes closed when footsteps walk past the couch and into the kitchen, then down the hall and into a room.
It sounded like one set of feet, but it could have been any one of the guys. It doesn’t mean it was Nolan, and it doesn’t mean that he came home early instead of gettinghickeysat a party.
I sigh and turn to my side.
Ever since the locker room, I’ve been left feeling like I needmore.Every time I look at Nolan’s hands, whether he’s holding a fork, or a glass of water, or typing a text on his phone, I can’t help but want them in between my legs.
It’s a sickness and all the more reason why I need to actually go forward with thenon-datewith Reign. According to Aria, him asking me to sit with him at the next game is a date that can definitely lead to more, but I’m not sure I see it that way.
Regardless, I need to go forward with it.
Even if it doesn't go beyond the game, at least Nolan proved to me that Icanget off in front of someone other than myself. He’s already helped me more than he knows.
My phone vibrates on the table beside the couch, and I reach up to grab it. My eyes squint at the brightness.
Teach: Are you actually asleep, or are you pretending so you can avoid me?
My heart races, and excitement bubbles in my lower belly like I’ve chugged an entire bottle of wine.
Me: I should be surprised that you put yourself in my phone as Teach, but I’m not.
Teach: Well, if you’re up, what are you waiting for? We have a lesson to get to.
Me: If you think I want your hands on me after you’ve been touching some other girl at a party, you’re wrong.
I swallow a bitter pill and pretend it isn’t jealousy.
Teach: The only girl I want to touch tonight is you. Why do you think I’m home before everyone else?
A smile falls to my lips, which is nothing more than a giant red warning, but instead of heeding it, I put my blinders on.
Me: And if my brother comes home?
Teach: Then I guess I’ll have to teach you how to be quiet.
The hot twisting is already present, and I’m not even in the same room as him. He texts me again before I can type anything back.
Teach: I saw you talking to Reign at the game, which means we’re running out of time for lessons. Once you're his, you’re no longer mine.
Me: So you think I’m yours?
I click my phone screen off when I hear his door open. My heart is in my throat, and I cross my legs to ignore the heat. Nolan’s footsteps are steady, and although it’s completely dark in the apartment, I can see his tall shadow standing only a few feet away from the couch.
“You may not be mine,” he says with a low voice, “but for now, your body is. So, let’s go, Hannah.”
I flush from my head to my toes. Nolan bends down and pulls the blanket off my legs, and I stand up. I’m prepared to follow him to his room, but he quickly grips me under the butt and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his back.