Page 14 of Call Me Teach

The locking of the door sends my pulse jumping. Nerves itch my flesh, but there’s a bubble of anticipation in my lower belly that forces my hand to move over my hip bone.

“Since I can’t see you, I need you to tell me what you’re doing to yourself. I need to know what you like.”

My nipples harden at the sound of Nolan’s smooth voice from the corner of his bedroom. I open my mouth to talk, but I’m hit with a blinding shyness. “I… I can’t.”What am I supposed to say?

“You can, and you will.” He pauses. “Or I’ll just turn the lights on and watch you.”

I smash my lips together at his brash demand. Nolan is charismatic, and his bright smile is contagious, but hearing him make demands of me in the bedroom is downright provocative. His voice is hot.

“Where are your hands, Hannah?”

A rush of heat wraps around my neck, but I manage to speak. “One is on my hip, and the other is on my thigh.”

“Okay, now if I weren’t in this room with you, where would you be putting those hands?”

I swallow and lick my lips. “Um…”

“Do it, and then tell me.”

A breathy sigh leaves my mouth, but I do what he says. I’m afraid I’ll freak out at the last second and be too shy to actually get myself off, like in the past, but there’s a deep yearning inside that makes mewantto do this in front of him. It’s a scandalous thought, and I run with it because, for the first time, I don’t feel like I’m about to hit a wall.

“Bet–between my legs,” I whisper.

“Both hands?” There’s a hoarseness present in Nolan’s voice that I notice right away.

I creep one hand up my shirt and underneath my bra.

“Just one.”

“And where is the other?”

“Up my shirt.”

He hums, and I swear I can feel the vibration against my skin. “So you like to be touched all over. That’s good to know.”

I breathe faster when he talks. I slip a finger under the top of my panties and subtly gasp from the featherlight touch against my clit.

“I can hear you getting worked up. Talk to me, Hannah.”

I shut my eyes even though it’s already dark in the room. “What do you want to know, Nolan?”

There’s a shifting in the corner of the room, and I imagine him walking over to me and taking over. I picture him taking one of my hands and pinning it to the bed while he replaces my finger with his. I’ve seen him on the ice. I know how confident he is and how he holds his hockey stick with a steady grip. I’m certain he’d be good with his hands.

“What are you thinking about as you touch yourself? Where does your mind go when you’re all alone, baby?”

Another quiet gasp spills from my mouth. I push a finger inside and take my other hand and start rubbing circles against my clit. All while picturinghim.

“Hannah.” Nolan’s voice is closer, but I’m too invested in the pleasure. “Tell me, or I won’t letyou get off.”

I half-laugh. “Like you could stop me now.”

My eyes fly open when I feel his tight grip on my wrist. The room is still near black, but Nolan’s body heat wafts over me as he holds me captive. “I’m the teacher. You’re the student. You have to obey.”

Sweat pricks my scalp, and my breathing is labored. I try to tug on my hand, but Nolan’s fingers tighten. “I’m waiting, Hannah. Tell me what you think about when you’re alone. I wanna know the things your dirty little mind conjures up.”

Oh my god.

I tug again, and he laughs.