He’s touching me right now.
Van stands. “Relax. We’re not going to fuck your sister, Hayes.”
“I’m literally right here,” I say, flabbergasted.
Hayes ignores me and walks off behind Van to their own bedrooms.
I try to pull my foot away again, but Nolan keeps it in its place, trapped beneath his arm. Our eyes meet, and he raises an eyebrow.God, it should be illegal to be that attractive.
“I saw that look.”
My pulse skips. “What look?”
He flashes his white teeth in my direction. “I saw the wheels turning. You want one of us to fuck you, don’t you?”
My lips part with shock. His eyes zero in on my mouth.
“Excuse me?” I act completely appalled with his accusation, butdamn.He’s right. The thought crossed my mind, and it’s scary that he knew. It just proves that he’d seethrough my fake orgasm like I’d already assumed.
“I could be wrong, but your eyes lit up when your brother was accusing Van of wanting to fuck you.”
“That is not true.” I argue.
“It wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Nolan stretches his legs out in front of him, seeming to relax. “Maybe then you could orgasm during sex.”
That’s it. I’m going to kill him in his sleep.
He justhadto bring it up.
“That conversation was notfor you.” I pull forcefully on my leg, and he lets it go.
He chuckles before climbing to his feet. He stretches his arms above his head and his t-shirt rides up, showing off his toned stomach. “I know,” he says, glancing at me. “But I still heard it.”
My ears burn as I watch him walk away. Before he gets too far, he turns and sends me a flirty look. “I’m just saying, maybe you’re sleeping with the wrong guys if they can’t get you off?—”
I pick up the remote and throw it at him. He ducks, and I miss him by an inch. When he pops back up, his smile is annoyingly contagious. “Night, Hannah Banana.”
Then he winks, and I fly back onto the lumpy couch and try to think of anything but sleeping with either of my brother’s teammates.
My dick twitches when a familiar fruity scent floats down the hallway and under my closed door. Not even a lengthy hockey practice and ethics paper could tire me out with Hayes’s sister showering no less than a few yards from my bedroom.
She’s naked in there.
I sit up in my bed and sigh with my head turned toward the sound of water hitting the tiles. As soon as the shower cuts off, I silently thank God and flop backward. It’s no more than a few minutes later when I hear her bare feet pattering against the hardwood floor and her soft voice carrying on a conversation.
“I mean, he had a point. But I can't take him up on his offer. It’s not like I can sleep with him.”
He?If one of the guys on the team is trying to make moves on Hayes’s sister, he’s going to go ballistic. Shortly after the team got wind that his sister is staying in our apartment and that she isn’t hard on the eyes, the jokes started, and Hayes's forehead vein made an appearance.
Hannah Evans is off-limits.
I swing my legs off the side of my bed and walk over to my door. I have great deductive skills, and I’ll know which teammate is signing his own death wish before I even make eye contact with Hannah. Then I’ll be forced to put a stop to it before Hayes gets thrown off the team for fighting.