Page 12 of Call Me Teach

I spin on my heels, and we immediately make eye contact. My pulse skips, and although I didn’t think it was possible, I suddenly feel even less confident than before. His fingers are tapping again, and it sets my nerves on fire.

“So,” he starts, “not only could your ex not decipher a fake orgasm from a real one, but he also treated you poorly?” He hums under his breath when I don’t answer. “What exactly did he do that was so bad, besides not getting you off, Hannah Banana?”

I’m hot all over, and I try to channel my emotions into anger. “Well, at least he didn’t call me by my childhood nickname...”

I get a quick peek at Nolan’s white teeth when he lifts a lip. “You don’t like my nickname for you. Noted.”

A heavy sigh leaves the pit of my stomach. Getting spicy lessonsfrom my brother’s roommate and star player of Wilder U’s hockey team is a terrible idea. It’s not going to work. I’m already uncomfortable with his eyes on me from across the room, let alone if I surrender to his touch.

I start to walk past the kitchen counter that Nolan is leaning against with defeat cheering me on. Being intimate with someone is a very vulnerable thing to do, and unfortunately, vulnerability and Hannah do not go well together. That’sexactlywhy this isn’t going to work.

“Not so fast.” Nolan’s hand wraps around my waist, and he spins me until I’m pressed against his hard chest.

I gulp when he refuses to let me go. He bounces those greenish-blue eyes in between mine and tilts his head. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“To my…”Shit, I don’t have a bedroom here.

“To avoid me some more? I thought you wanted my help?” He flicks an eyebrow, and somehow, that small gesture makes him ten times more attractive.

I push off his chest, but he keeps me trapped. “It’s not going to work.”

“Why not?” he asks.

I roll my eyes. “Because you’re you, and I’m me! That’s why.”

He thinks for a moment. “What is that supposed to mean?”

I stare at the fridge behind him so I can force the words out of my mouth. “You make me…”This is so embarrassing.“Uneasy.”

Nolan pulls back slightly, and I swing my eyes past his shoulder to see his reaction. He’s looking at me very closely, and I’m pretty sure I have hives breaking out along my skin.

“Let’s go.” He grips my wrist and drags me down the hallway. My attempt at putting the brakes on is pitiful. Nolan continues to tug until we’re outside his bedroom door.

“I told you this isn’t going to work. What are you doing?” My heart beats a little faster when he turns the knob and pushes me inside. I immediately look at his bed and feel something twist in my lower belly.

When the door shuts, I turn, and our gazes collide.

“They don’t call meTeachfor nothing, Hannah.” Nolan runs a deft hand through his unruly hair. “Now get on the bed.”




I’ve been thinking of nothing except hockey and watching Hayes’s sister come apart in front of my eyes. However, I’ll admit that I pictured my fingers helping her get there, but I’ve had to rethink my lessons after watching her cute cheeks heat from embarrassment.

“Now, Hannah.” There’s an edge to my voice that she notices. She flips her long, thick hair over her shoulder and pulls back slightly.

I take a step toward her, and she takes one back. We do this until she falls onto my bed.

“Thank you,” I say.

Hannah’s pink lips purse, and I already know she’s about to reiterate her refusal, so I put my hand up to stop her.

“I get it. I make you a little uneasy. I have a reputation that I’m sure you’ve heard of, and it’s clear that I’m the one with experience here.” Her gaze darts away, and it kind of bothers me that she’s so embarrassed by that. “There’s nothing wrong with not fully knowing your own body, Hannah. It’s obvious no one has given you the chance to explore what you like in thebedroom, which only drives the point further that your exwasa piece of shit. Maybe every ex, if it’s true what you said.”

She swallows loudly.